Dominate Definition
Dominant means to be in control. In a wolf pack, one male wolf fights the others, wins, and becomes the dominant wolf in the group.
Dominant derives from the Latin dominus which means 'lord or master.' If you grew up with a Latin mass, you will recognize this as one of many words for God. If you're dominant, it means you treat others as if you're their master. You can also use dominant to describe something frequent or common. For example, when cell phones first came out, their dominant use was for making calls. Now cells phone do so much more, some people hardly make calls on them at all.
Dominance (over something) (biology) the fact of being dominant In this situation one gene has dominance over the other gene. See dominance in the Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English. Define dominate. Dominate synonyms, dominate pronunciation, dominate translation, English dictionary definition of dominate. Dominated, dominating, dominates v. To control, govern, or rule by superior authority or power: Successful leaders dominate events.
Definitionnoun(general) The of being; supremacy The property of a (or allele) when it suppresses the, or dominates the effects, of the (or ). (A group of) that have acquired a high status in a social group, such as an or a group of on top of a usually as a result of. The for one side of the or of one of a pair of to dominate or be used in consistent preference than the otherSupplementIn general, the term dominance pertains to the state of being dominant or supreme. For example in, apical dominance refers to the condition in which supersedes. In biological contexts, it may mean differently in genetics, ecology, and neurobiology.In genetics, dominance pertains to the property of a (or allele) in relation to other genes or alleles. A gene or allele shows dominance when it suppresses the, or dominates the effects, of the (or ).In ecology, dominance pertains to the high status of an organism or a group of organism in a social group. In particular, an or a group of takes the top of a usually as a result of.
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Thus, it would have a greater access to limited resources, such as food, mate, and space.In neurology, dominance refers to the for one side of the or of one of a pair of to dominate or be used in consistent preference than the other. For instance, the consistent use of one side of the body, as in being left-handed or right-handed, and or (depending on which side of his is or frequently used) is demonstrated as.Word origin: Latin dominari (to govern)Synonym(s).