Dust Racing 2d Video


Title:Dust Racing 2DType:Linux Game
Category:Sport ➤ Motorsport ➤ Arcade ➤ Miniature Toy CarCommercial:
Tags:Sports; Motorsport; Arcade; Racing; Miniature Toy Car; Micro Machines; Cars; Physics; Split Screen; Retro; Level EditorDemo:
Released:Latest : 2.0.1 / Dev : 33d4538Package Name:dustracing2d
Date:2018-01-06Extern Repo:
License:Code : GPL v3 / Artwork : CC BY-SA 3.0Deb Repo:Debian
View:Third personPackage:
Graphic:2D Top-DownBinary:
Mechanics:Real TimeSource:
Played:Single & MultiPDA:
Quality (record):Quality (game):
Contrib.:Goupil & LouisID:14090

Dust Racing 2D is a traditional top-down car racing game including a level editor. juzzlin/DustRacing2D. Jan 12, 2015  Dust Racing 2D is a free classic OpenGL car racing game written in QT. In this game you can either play against the computer or with your friend with three game modes (race, time trial, and duel) and you will enjoy multiple race tracks.

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[fr]:Une course de voitures libre et multi-plateforme, solo / multi (2 en écran partagé), en vision objective 2D, orientée arcade, basée sur la physique, inspirée des jeux Super Cars et Slicks’n Slide. Le joueur affronte des IAs (11) d'un très bon niveau sur différents circuits. Terminer en TOP-6 débloquera un nouveau circuit. Seule une petite partie du circuit est visible sur l'écran défilant. Elle est livrée avec 15 circuits et un éditeur de niveau.[en]:A free/libre and cross-platform, SP / MP (2 in split screen), physic based, 2D top down racing game, inspired by Super Cars and Slicks'n Slide. The player race against challenging computer players (11) on different race tracks. Finishing in TOP-6 will unlock a new race track. Only a small portion of the race track is visible on the scrolling screen. It comes with 15 tracks and a level editor.


Gameplay [en] / Gameplay [id] :
Fonctionnalités / Features :


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[Homepage][Dev site][Features/About][Screenshots][Videosftttsgdidrlpgg[fr]g[de]g[ru]g[pl]g[cz]g[sp]g[pt]g[it]g[tr]g[id]g][Reviews][WIKI][FAQ][RSS][Changelog 12]
Commercial : [Support their work (Donate)]
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Technical informations
[Open Hub][PCGamingWiki][MobyGames]
Devs (Dust Racing Team[fr][en]) : [Site 12][twitter][YouTube][Interview 12]
Devs (Jussi Lind (juzzlin)[fr][en]) : [Site 12][twitter][YouTube][Interview 12]
Artwork (Ville Mäkiranta[fr][en]) : [Site 12][twitter][DeviantArt][SoundCloud][YouTube][Interview 12]
Game : [Blog][Forums][twitter][YouTube]
On other sites
[Wikipedia (Dust Racing 2D) [fr][en]]
News / Source of this Entry (SotE) / News (SotN)

Description [fr]

Un jeu de course de voitures en vision objective 2D orienté arcade, par la Dust Racing Team (initié par Jussi Lind aka juzzlin).
Dust Racing (Dustrac) est une course de voitures libre et multi-plateforme, solo / multi (2 en écran partagé), en vision objective 2D, orientée arcade, basée sur la physique, inspirée des jeux Super Cars et Slicks’n Slide. Le joueur affronte des IAs (11) d'un très bon niveau sur différents circuits. Terminer en TOP-6 débloquera un nouveau circuit. Seule une petite partie du circuit est visible sur l'écran défilant. Elle est livrée avec 15 circuits et un éditeur de niveau.
Dust Racing 2D (dustrac) est un jeu de course en 2D, open-source, basé sur des tuiles, développé par Jussi Lind et contributeurs.
Le but du jeu est de faire la course contre des joueurs d'ordinateur difficiles sur différents circuits. Terminer en TOP-6 débloquera un nouveau circuit. Seule une petite partie du circuit est visible sur l'écran défilant (NdT : scrolling).
Il y a aussi une option pour un jeu à deux joueurs en écran partagé, introduit dans la version 0.12.0. Dust Racing 2D est livré avec un éditeur de niveau basé sur Qt qui facilite la création de nouveaux circuits.
Le code source du jeu est sous licence GNU GPLv3. Dust Racing 2D est construit sur le framework de développement Qt en C ++ et utilise OpenGL pour les graphiques. Cela signifie qu'il est possible de porter le jeu sur plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation. Dust Racing 2D est actuellement disponible pour Linux et Windows.
Dust Racing 2D a été inspiré par Super Cars et Slicks'n Slide et est en cours de développement.

Description [en]

Dust Racing 2D (dustrac) is an open source, tile-based 2D racing game developed by Jussi Lind and contributors.
The purpose of the game is to race against challenging computer players on different race tracks. Finishing in TOP-6 will unlock a new race track. Only a small portion of the race track is visible on the scrolling screen.
There's also an option for a split-screen two player game, introduced in 0.12.0. Dust Racing 2D comes with a Qt-based level editor that makes creating new race tracks easy.
The source code of the game is licensed under GNU GPLv3. Dust Racing 2D is built on Qt development framework in C++ and it uses OpenGL for graphics. This means, that it is possible to port the game to multiple operating systems. Dust Racing 2D is currently available for Linux and Windows.
Dust Racing 2D was inspired by Super Cars and Slicks'n Slide and is under active development.
Dust Racing (Dustrac) is a tile-based, cross-platform 2D racing game.
Dust Racing comes with a level editor for easy level creation.
• 1-2 human players against 11 challenging computer players
• 3 difficulty settings: Easy, Medium, Senna
• Split-screen two player game (vertical or horizontal)
• Game modes: Race, Time Trial, Duel
• 2D graphics with some 3D objects
• Smooth game play and physics
• Multiple race tracks
• Finishing in TOP-6 will unlock the next race track
• Star ratings based on the best positions on each race track
• Easy to create new race tracks with the level editor
• Engine and collision sounds
• Pit stops
• Runs windowed or fullscreen
Wikipedia :
Dust Racing 2D (dustrac) is an open source, tile-based 2D racing game developed by Jussi Lind. The source code is licensed under GNU GPLv3.
Dust Racing 2D is built on Qt development framework and it uses OpenGL for graphics. It is possible to port the game to multiple operating systems.
The purpose of the game is to race against eleven challenging computer players on different race tracks. Finishing in TOP 6 will unlock a new race track. Only a small portion of the race track is visible on the scrolling screen. There's also an option for a split-screen two player game. Dust Racing 2D comes with a level editor that makes creating new race tracks easy.
Dust Racing 2D was inspired by Super Cars and Slicks ’n’ Slide. The game was built by Jussi Lind on Qt development framework and it uses OpenGL for graphics. Due to the source availability it is possible to port the game to multiple operating systems. The first version of the game was published in 2012. The game is under continued development as of August 2017.



☑ 1-2 human players against 11 challenging computer players
☑ Split-screen two player game (vertical or horizontal)
☑ Game modes: Race, Time Trial, Duel
☑ 2D graphics with some 3D objects
☑ Smooth game play and physics
☑ Multiple race tracks
☑ Finishing in TOP-6 will unlock the next race track
☑ Star ratings based on the best positions on each race track
☑ Easy to create new race tracks with the level editor
☑ Engine and collision sounds
☑ Pit stops
☑ Runs windowed or full-screen
☑ Portable source code using CMake as the build system
☑ Will be forever completely free

Installation [fr]

➥ Installation à partir du binaire du jeu :
Le jeu est en dépôt, il suffit d'installer le paquet.
➥ Installation à partir du source du jeu :
Source non testé.
• Si vous avez installé le jeu à partir d'un paquet : Alt F2 puis saisissez :
- pour l'éditeur : dustrac-editor
- pour le jeu : dustrac-game

Test [fr]

Test (2.0.1) de goupildb :
(test de fonctionnement)
Malheureusement chez moi, le lancement du jeu aboutit à un écran noir, avec le curseur de la souris visible.
En console j'ai :
$ dustrac-game
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:38 2018] I: Dust Racing 2D version 2.0.1
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:38 2018] I: Compiled against Qt version 5.9.2
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:38 2018] I: Creating game object.
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module 'unity-gtk-module'
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:38 2018] I: Loaded translations for fr_FR
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:38 2018] I: Resolution: 1920 1200 1
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:38 2018] I: Creating the renderer.
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:38 2018] I: OpenGL Version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 340.106
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:38 2018] I: Loading font /usr/share/games/dustracing2d//fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf.
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:39 2018] I: Loaded font DejaVu Sans
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:39 2018] I: Font slot size: 71x80
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:39 2018] I: Font texture size (initial): 568x1200
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:39 2018] I: Loading surface config from '/usr/share/games/dustracing2d//surfaces.conf'.
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:39 2018] I: Loading mesh config from '/usr/share/games/dustracing2d//meshes.conf'.
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:39 2018] I: Loading race tracks from '/usr/share/games/dustracing2d//levels'.
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:39 2018] I: Found '/usr/share/games/dustracing2d//levels/curvastone.trk', index=8
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:39 2018] I: Found '/usr/share/games/dustracing2d//levels/Desert Storm.trk', index=13
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:39 2018] I: Found '/usr/share/games/dustracing2d//levels/Diamond.trk', index=14
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:39 2018] I: Found '/usr/share/games/dustracing2d//levels/Far Lands.trk', index=15
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:39 2018] I: Found '/usr/share/games/dustracing2d//levels/Figure 8.trk', index=12
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:39 2018] I: Found '/usr/share/games/dustracing2d//levels/infinity.trk', index=0
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:39 2018] I: Found '/usr/share/games/dustracing2d//levels/monza.trk', index=3
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:39 2018] I: Found '/usr/share/games/dustracing2d//levels/Radiator.trk', index=17
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:39 2018] I: Found '/usr/share/games/dustracing2d//levels/ring.trk', index=9
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:39 2018] I: Found '/usr/share/games/dustracing2d//levels/straight.trk', index=7
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:39 2018] I: Found '/usr/share/games/dustracing2d//levels/suzuka.trk', index=11
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:39 2018] I: Found '/usr/share/games/dustracing2d//levels/triangle.trk', index=5
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:40 2018] I: Found '/usr/share/games/dustracing2d//levels/Twineburg.trk', index=18
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:40 2018] I: Found '/usr/share/games/dustracing2d//levels/twister.trk', index=10
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:40 2018] I: Found '/usr/share/games/dustracing2d//levels/Western Valley.trk', index=16
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:40 2018] I: Loading race tracks from '/home/goupil2/DustRacingTracks'.
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:40 2018] I: No race tracks found.
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:40 2018] I: A total of 15 race track(s) loaded.
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:40 2018] I: Sound device: OpenAL Soft
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:46 2018] I: Sounds off selected.
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:47 2018] I: Sounds off selected.
[Mon Jan 29 21:09:55 2018] I: Sounds off selected.
Le message : Gtk-Message: Failed to load module 'unity-gtk-module' est une piste probable (ce module n'est pas en dépôt et de toute façon il n'est pas dans les dépendances du paquet).
Cela m'embête vraiment de passer le jeu en 'non fonctionnel' car je suis persuadé qu'il fonctionne ailleurs.
Pour l'instant je le laisse tel quel, en espérant que les mainteneurs Debian résolvent le problème.
Désolé je ne fais pas de report de bug (c'est pas bien), mais je manque de temps.