Pokémon Ranger Bosses

Sep 12, 2013  Pokemon Ranger is a different kind of Pokemon gaming. You're still capturing and training Pokemon, but not for competition. Instead, you're working to protect them as a Pokemon Ranger! Use the new Capture STylus to catch Pokemon, then help them survive in the wild. See results from the Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs Bosses Quiz on Sporcle, the best trivia site on the internet! Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs Bosses Quiz Stats - By koopa102 play quizzes ad-free.

Mission 9: Headquarters Sneak In!

Cycla Mountain Range:
The Cycla Mountain Range is to the north of Wint Town, and Aria will join you on this mission. There are again various Team Go-Go members to fight along your way, one with 6 Seedots, one with 8 Seedots, and one with 7 Seedots and a Nuzleaf. You will find a house after some time, and the man inside will recharge you Styler. Once you get to an area with lots of trees, you will see some Team Go-Go members trying to capture an Altaria, but the Altaria shrouds the whole place with mist, nad the Team Go-Go members give up. You have to capture Altaria though to clear up to mist, and there will be a obstacle needed to be cleared by a Piloswine's tackle ability.

Soon, you will see the same Charizard you fought in the Jungle Ruins, and it is once again causing trouble there, burning down all the trees. You challenge it once again, and it is considerably more difficult to capture this time. If you've got some Poliwhirls with you, it will be easier. This will be your last time challenging a Charizard, so enjoy the experience.

After that, continue north and you will fight another Team Go-Go member with an Aerodactyl and Shelgon. Aria will receive another mission and leave you, and you're on your own again. There's a giant gate leading to the Fiore Temple but it is closed now, so venture west, where you will need to capture 2 Tangelas to help you cross. If you only have one Tangela, you can't make it across all the way. In that case, drop down to the lower level to backtrack once more. You will then arrive at another cliff you must climb, and unfortunately, you must release all the wild pokemon you have recruited at this stage.

Team Go-Go Headquarters:
Enter the headquarters, and you must go through a maze where the floor tiles light up in red in turns. You must never step on a red light or you will set off the alarm and a Team Go-Go member will kick you out. A word of advice is familiarize yourself with the light up pattern first before stepping on them, coz they all have patterns.

As usual, there'll be many Team Go-Go members to fight. The first one has a Ludicolo, Makuhita and Mr. Mime, the second has a Golem and Mankey, the third one 2 Slakoths, the fourth a Swalot and 4 Zubats, the fifth a Scyther, Pinsir and Heracross, and another one with 2 Beldums and a Metang.

Your fellow Ranger will soon appear to join you, and it's time to get to the admins again, only that you have to get a Sneasel to clear the obstacle at the entrance first. There is an Electrabuzz around for you to charge up, and the Metangs can be of some help later on. You first come to a red door where you fight Mirai again, but she has two Camerupts this time. Still, it shouldn't be too much trouble.

After you defeat her, she will run to her brother, and you go through the blue door to fight Youji, this time with a Slakoth, Vigoroth and Slaking. The white door leads to Yuuki, who has his usual Scizor in addition to 2 Scythers this time. Capture them all, charge up you Styler with Electrabuzz again, and head down to prepare for the final battle here, against the eldest of the Team Go-Go admins, Yarai.

Yarai will challenge you with Larvitar, Pupitar and Tyranitar, and while you may be able to capture Larvitar, the other two are a bit more difficult, especially when they work together. Metang's Psychic pokemon assist may become handy here, and they both get temporarily lifted off the ground. Plusle/Minun's paralyze will help too. Afterwards, Hayate appears, and the headquarters will begin to blow up. The four admins will flee, and you won't fight them again. Mission complete.

Head back to the Wint Town Ranger Base to get yourself to the maximum class, Rank 10, and Plusle/Minun's energy cages should be maximized to 5 now, while you can recruit the maximum number of 7 wild pokemon now. You then take on your tenth mission, and that is to help your leader Hayate solve the crisis at the Fiore Temple.

Mission 10: Fiore Temple

Fiore Temple:
You and your fellow Ranger will travel together to this final mission, and you get to the entrace to the temple through the Cycla Mountain Range again. While you are pondering on how to open the gate, the Charizard you've fought before returns to help you blast it open. There are many wild pokemon out in the open, and some like Donphan may come in handy, but the 2 you must capture are Vaporeon and Jolteon.

Find your way around the ledges to get to both of them, and capture them. When you reach to the farthest end to the north, your fellow Ranger will read the stone plate and trigger three stone platforms. Place Vaporeon on the left and Jolteon on the middle one. The one on the right needs a Flareon, and you find it in the basement which entrance is just a bit south to where the stone platforms are. Go down there, and you will find Flareon at the very end. Capture the Gengars and Espeon here as well, since they might be of help later.

Once you place Flareon on the right platform, the second gate will open, and you go through to reach the temple itself. First, you must go through 3 Team Go-Go members, one with 3 Linoones, one with a Bayleef, Quilava and Crocronaw, and another with a Blaziken and Blastoise. Save, recharge and do whatever you need now because you will be up for you final battle against the Team Go-Go boss, Ragou.

Your fellow Ranger will ask to make sure you are ready before you head on, and once you're there, you'll see that Ragou is using a giant Power Styler, which is developed based on Prof. Shibara's Super Styler, to capture the legendary beasts Entei, Suicune and Raikou. He explains that he will unleash catastrophe over Fiore with the fire, storm and thunder, and will undermine the fame of Rangers by having his Team Go-Go members help people instead.

Ragou laughs at your futile attempts to stop him with Plusle and Minun, and the two electric rabbits are clearly ticked off by that. Worldshift patch. Ragou starts off by sending Raikou at you, and this beast has powerful thunder bolts firing down from above continously. Patience is the key here. The thunderbolts will disappear after a while, and although new ones appear, the more you try to circle around Raikou, the less likely they will appear. Instead, Raikou will start running around and firing attacks on its own. When you screen is relatively clear of thunderbolts, use Donphan's Ground pokemon assist to quickly capture Raikou. In fact, you don't really need it if you get the timing right, because there will be a certain period of time Raikou won't do anything but simply run around.

Your next opponent is Suicune, and like Raikou, patience is important. Suicune will create clones of itself, which will fire off icebeams simultaneously with the real thing. It creates 2 clones each time, so encircle one of them to kill that off, but not both, as Suicune will create clones again once all the existing ones are gone. Leave one clone on the screen, and grab the right moment to use Plusle/Minun to paralyze it. Both the real and clone Suicune will be immobile, and you can easily capture it. It's important to paralyze it when it is right in the screen though, coz if it's at the edge, you can't capture it. The good news is when you circle around Suicune, not necessarily capture it, will slowly charge up your Styler again, so wait til the energy cages are full, and try another shot.

At this point, Ragou will get really angry, but not as much as Plusle and Minun I guess. The two will hop onto Ragou's Power Styler machine, jump around and cause it to explode. As a result, Ragou loses control over Entei, and the fire beast turns its anger towards Ragou instead. But your fellow Ranger suggests you help out, and you really don't get to choose.

Army of Two Wiki Guide Table of Contents. Army of Two Wiki Guide. Top Contributors: IGN-GameGuides, IGNCornpiperal123, IGN-Cheats + more. Last Edited: 26 Dec 2018 8:17 pm. Edit (Classic) Edit (Beta) Flag; View History; Predicated on the doctrine that two guns are better than one, Army of Two is a third-person shooter with serious. Army of Two is a third-person shooter video game series developed by EA Montreal.The first game in the series, Army of Two, was released on March 6, 2008 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 consoles. Focusing on cooperative strategies, Army of Two ' s main feature is the necessity to use coordinated teamwork to accomplish the game's goals. While the game is meant to be played with another human. Army of Two is a third-person shooter video game developed and published by Electronic Arts, released on March 6, 2008 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 consoles. The game is centered upon two mercenaries fighting through war, political turmoil, and a conspiracy from 1993 to 2009. Focusing on cooperative strategies, Army of Two ' s main feature is the necessity to use coordinated teamwork to. Army of two 2019. Army of Two is a third person shooter video game developed by Electronic Arts, released on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, focusing on two mercenaries fighting through war, political turmoil, and a conspiracy from 1993 to 2009. Focusing on cooperative strategies, Army of Two's main feature is the necessity to use coordinated teamwork to accomplish the game's goals. About the Games. Army of Two and Army of Two: The 40th Day are the first and second entries into the third-person shooter Army of Two franchise. Both games were developed by EA Montreal and published by Electronic Arts. Army of Two was first released March 4, 2008 and Army of Two: The 40th Day was first released January 8, 2010. Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel was released March 26, 2013.

So, Entei, the one most difficult beast to capture. Unlike before, it will erupt multiple volcanoes on the screen, while it surrounds itself with embers. For every successive circle you make on Entei, the embers will go away bit by bit. Try eradicating all of its embers first before really attempting a capture, of you'll risk downing the HP of your styler. Paralyzing Entei after all embers are gone, and preferrably when the volcanoes are out of the way, will help, and so does Vaporeon's water bubble.

Gengars can be quite useful in capturing any one of the beasts, as they more or less disable the pokemon to do any form of attack once they are surrounded. But since there are only 2 Gengars, be sure to save one for Entei.

After that, all three beasts will unite and they depart together. Ragou will be nowhere to be found, and Hayate will arrive to congratulate on your success. What comes after is just a series of animation, explaining that Ragou used to be work together with Prof. Shinbara, but he got tired of being second all the time and thus started Team Go-Go to start trouble. People all over Fiore come to congratulate you outside the Fiore Temple, and you see the end credits roll.

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Part 26: The Rhythm of Rage Pounds the Ground!

We'll deal with that grunt later.
Music: Go-Rock Squad!
It's probably for the good of people and society!
Probably for the good of the Go-Rock Squad's bank account.
Music: Go-Rock Squad Battle (Weak Grunt)
As you might have expected, Sneasel moves very quickly. Combined with Meowth hindering us while being hard to capture by itself (stop jumping! ), this is a very tricky capture.
It also seems like the captures are getting more and more annoying as time goes on!
The game has to make the captures harder somehow, after all.
Both Pokemon have to stop when it's cutting, though, so that's a great time to use an assist.
Music: Capture Complete
Required Loops: 3
Possible EXP: 42/45/48/52

Kind of a crap reward for the effort required!
Music: Olive Volcano
I said it's for the good of people and society earlier, but.. I think it's also for pride and for money, too.. Our boss is human, too..
'You think'? Do you even know what's your squad's objective?
Let's be honest, there's a really good chance it's almost entirely about money.
Oh, hello. We haven't seen you since, what, the end of the first mission?
Doesn't seem like it was all that long ago, and now here's the first boss just a regular enemy. How time flies, huh?
In any case, there's nothing beyond, so time to deal with the other grunt.
Music: Go-Rock Squad!
Um, no?
Oh yeah, totally it's.. generic faceless Go-Rock grunt #23. You know.. them!
..You don't remember?! You really don't remember?! Gaaaaah, I'm not taking that!
They're dealt with in 3 seconds.
Music: Olive Volcano
I remember you way more than I ever want to.. You captured back that Politoed I took from that Ranger. I feel bad for taking that guy's Pokemon, but don't you remember me yelling, 'Gaaaah! Don't ever forget this!'
Oh, you're that guy. Sorry
They feel bad for stealing the Politoed but not enough to quit the Go-Rocks. Welp.
Well, this time, don't you forget it. Gaaaah! Don't ever forget this! *flees*
Up ahead, we find..
Well that was pointless.
Oh, look! It's the Pokemon Spenser captured. How did it get to Fall City?
Is that the only Houndoom in the game?
No, but it's funnier to think otherwise.
Its attack is just like the one from the tutorial.
Required Loops: 6
Possible EXP: 60/66/72/80

Moving forward leads us to the area just above the challenges.
He's not like the grunts you ran into on the way here. The Pokemon he uses is incredibly strong.. I desperately did my best to try to capture it, but it wrecked my Styler.. I feel so angry and useless..
*The screen shakes*
..That tremor.. Something happened in there. You two.. You don't have the time to be stunned. Isn't it your job as Rangers to investigate and resolve crises? I hate admitting this, but with my Styler broken, I can't do my job. As inexperienced as you are, I have no choice but to pin my hopes on you.
I feel kinda bad for calling Aria a jerk now.
To be fair, she didn't give out the best first impression.
There's a save point just off screen, so the stairs is obviously where the boss is. So we'll avoid it for now..
Poliwhirl is not strong enough, so we're not going through this right now.
Instead, we'll just capture this Charmander, our second to last starter. Bulbasaur is still nowhere to be found.
Required Loops: 3
Possible EXP: 25/29/33/39

That's everything here, though. Not much can be done without cooling down the lava.
Which means it's time to deal with the boss.

Well that was a pointless side-trip.
Video: Slaking
Music: Go-Rock Quads!
..Calamity-Causing Combo kind of lacks that street-sensibility thing.. Calamity-Creating Combo? ..Who cares about that.. Anyways, I have to hand it to you two! Our boss is mighty pleased, yes, sir, tremendously pleased with you. You played a huge part in the testing of our latest Styler! ..But now, your part is done. If we let you scurry around anymore, you'll get under the boss's foot. ..Why are you giving me that eye? I'll show you!
Just going right into it, huh?
Holy shit! Slaking is huge!
Music: Go-Rock Quads Battle
Remember Clyde's part in the slogan? Apparently that's almost literal. And yes, those rocks will deal damage if hit.
Unlike what you'd think, Slaking actually moves constantly. At a normal pace, too.
And, to make matters worse, it requires a whopping 17 loops. It's not 23 loops, but still..

What? Why!? Slaking's whole gimmick is that it's lazy as hell. Why break that up now? They could have even incorporated the truancy into making the fight harder, putting little damage clouds or something around it that only show up when it's resting!
It's kind of a missed opportunity, I'd say.
Fighting assist would've been amazing here, but Fire will have to do. Like the game said earlier, Fire assist will create an explosion after making a loop. The explosion will cause all Pokemon caught in it to become startled, which means that they won't break the line by contact nor will they do any attack.
What the game doesn't explicitly say is that the loop doesn't have to contain the Pokemon, but doing that means the explosion probably won't hit it either. And that the explosion's effect only last for two seconds with a cooldown before the Pokemon can be startled again.

This means that Fire is much better for Pokemon with low required loops. For Pokemon with high required loops (like Slaking), we do actually need to be careful.
Don't get me wrong; Fire is still one of the most useful assists. It's just not THE most useful.
Not everything can be electric assist!
Slaking might take a long time, but it's definitely not Salamence or Charizard levels of difficulty.
Music: Capture Complete
Required Loops: 17
Possible EXP: 200/210/220/230/240/250/260

For a so-called prodigy, failing against Slaking is kinda disappointing..
Music: Olive Volcano
..Well, so much for that bonus pay. But that's all right. I stalled you a bit. I did my job. Our boss is in the back. But while you guys were fumbling around, the experiment finished already. That tremor a little earlier's proof! You were too late to stop it, heh! Bye-bye! *flees*
There's only one thing to do now: go up there and see the Go-Rock Squad's leader for the first time.
Is it weird if I think it's kind of a good plan to just send your minions out to delay the heroes for as long as possible? Not to stop them, but to delay them.
New Music: Gordor
..Er, the second time.
What was it I said earlier? 'Mods change my name to telephone because I fucking called it?'
*Notices Circe* Hm? You are..? Oh, yes, I remember now. You're my guide from Lyra Forest. Circe, wasn't it? (Snicker..) You seem surprised. At the time, I certainly wasn't much more than a pitiful old man just lost in the woods. But now.. I would think the most pitiful people in Fiore would be you two. As the boss of the Go-Rock Squad, I, Gordor, will explain how this came to be. Consider it a thanks for your help.
You should've taken the Toxx, DN Telephone
Meh! I don't really feel like gambling with the health of my account. Because if I failed, I wasn't gonna drop $10 on re-upping.
The legend of the Jungle Relic turned out to be true. Thanks to a pair of gullible do-gooders, the fourth and final challenge was cleared. As a result, the underground volcano erupted, and the Entei was awakened!
Circe isn't gullible! She's just doing her job!
The Entei, overburned with fiery energy, appeared to become the first capture of my new Styler! Being a legendary Pokemon, it put up a terrific fight. But in the end, my experiment became a smashing success! The loud noise and the tremor from earlier were the result of that capture.
Gordor's Laugh: 8
It won't be long before we, and not you, are considered legitimate Rangers!
Now I can understand why the grunt earlier sounds like she doesn't know what her boss wants.
My theory still holds water. Some day I might share what it is!
Let me assign you your final job as a Ranger. If nothing is done with that Entei, its presence is certain to trigger another eruption of the underground volcano. That will not only destroy this relic, it will devastate the natural environments and ruin people's lives in Fiore. Now wouldn't that be a terrible shame? So, let me assign you the mission, which will also mark your retirement!
He's petty as fuck.
*When talked to* Now, you expert Union Rangers.. What will you do?
*When talked to* We can't take back what we did.. But we have to do what we can! We have to capture that Entei!
You know what we have to do.
Video: Entei + 2 Magmar
Music: Wild Boss Pokemon Encounter
No, the video title is not wrong.
As soon as the battle starts, Entei calls in two Magmar. In retaliation, I call in Plusle.
Two helper magmar just feels petty.
Gordor's plan is petty, so this feels appropriate.
That's one less speedbump to deal with.
At least they're gone quickly!
Entei shoots flames straight ahead consecutively, just like Magmar. But unlike Magmar, it can actually change directions mid-combo.
..And that's all it does. For a legendary Pokemon, Entei is pathetic.
Go back and watch the video. Num isn't showing you the sheer number of failed captures because Entei is a capricious jerk who likes to breathe fire at inopportune moments. It looked almost entirely luck-based instead of skill-based!
It's more of me trying to get both Magmar before even attempting at Entei. Entei is barely harder than the average wild Pokemon here, which is kind of bad for a legendary Pokemon.
Just to make it even more pathetic, we'll trivialize it using a Pokemon that can be found in any cave.
It's worth noting that using Rock assist causes a knockback. So it's entirely possible to push the Pokemon into the edge of the screen, where it's literally impossible to capture.
What a joke. Even Slaking is harder just because there's no effective assist available against it.
Music: Capture Complete
Required Loops: 13
Possible EXP: 380/394/408/422/436/450

At least you get one heck of a reward!
Music: Gordor
Captured the Entei?! I'll admit to not having expected that. But that's fine.. My experiment was a complete success. Our plan has taken a giant leap forward. With my Styler, even legendary Pokemon can be captured without the need for any special skills!
Aside from finding them in the first place, you mean.
The incompetency of the Go-Rocks is really this region's only saving grace
..Though it's impossible to control the behavior of legendary Pokemon quite yet.. But that should soon be reality with only minor tweaks. I am plenty satisfied with what we've achieved today.
Gordor's Laugh: 9
Please convey my best regards to your Prof. Hastings, the Ranger Union's chief of technology. Yes, be certain to give the good professor the best regards of Gordor. *leaves*
*When talked to* I'm not looking forward to seeing Cameron..
It's almost like you two had just one thing you didn't have to do. Something that required you to do literally nothing. And yet you still failed.
Aria failed in her mission too, so I guess we're not worse off than her.
Music: Olive Volcano
You did?! That's incredible.. ..What exactly happened here? I want you to explain it from the top. .. ..Oh, and there was an injured Charizard? ..You captured it. ..And that was the fourth challenge? That's awful! What a rotten thing for them to do! So that's what you went through.. You two got caught up in some terrible things through no fault of yours..
*Pokemon cry*
Look! It's that Charizard!
*Charizard flies around for a bit before leaving*
That was the Charizard? It seemed to be wincing in pain, but it seemed to be grateful to you. Let's go back to Summerland and report to Cameron what happened.
*All of them leave*
This brings up the question of whether the fourth challenge just has that Charizard be constantly injured. Or whether the Go-Rocks were the ones who did it.
Billy said that they injured the Charizard accidentally, so I guess it's the latter.