Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Ship Simulator Extremes is the revolutionary latest game in the best-selling Ship Simulator Series. Almost three years in development, the game raises the bar for accurate and fun simulation gaming. Featuring a completely new and visually stunning ocean system, advanced dynamics and weather system, more vessels and environments than ever before and full campaign missions based on real captain's stories. Ship Simulator Extremes is the definitive simulator for any virtual ship captain and a high quality addition to the acclaimed series.
Includes many famous harbors and locations from around the world. From the very hot to the very cold, sail to the extremes.
This video contains all but 2 ships in listed packs: Ship Simulator Extremes Ferry Pack DLC Sigita DLC Whinner DLC Deniz Doga DLC The 2 ships that were not included are: Freedom 90 Rowboat This.
Explore the Antarctic or take in beautiful Bora Bora. Ship Simulator Extremes is the revolutionary latest game in the best-selling Ship Simulator Series. Almost three years in development, the game raises the bar for accurate and fun simulation gaming. Featuring a completely new and visually stunning ocean system, advanced dynamics and weather system, more vessels and environments than ever before and full campaign missions based on real captain's stories. Ship Simulator Extremes is the definitive simulator for any virtual ship captain and a high quality addition to the acclaimed series. Includes many famous harbors and locations from around the world. From the very hot to the very cold, sail to the extremes.
Explore the Antarctic or take in beautiful Bora Bora.
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Killing room cheats. NEW YORK August 31, 2010 VSTEP andParadox Interactive today announced more details to their newlyreleased simulation game, Ship Simulator Extremes. In addition toShip Simulator Extremes extraordinary Greenpeace campaign,twenty-four more realistic missions are featured between theTourist Tales and Core campaigns.
The Tourist Tales Campaign features thirteen missions in whichyou take on a luxury cruise ship on an eventful journey around theworld. Sail to Bora Bora, cross the oceans and conquernatures elements. Answer a distress call and fight a blazingfire aboard the cruise ship as a Coastguard Captain. Tow a damagedcruise liner into Sydney harbor for repairs. Make your way into abusy port as you resupply and refuel your cruise ships just asreal-life Captains.
View the brand new Tourism campaign trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKhyKrZpsBg
View the previously released Greenpeace campaign trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyhCJKuMD9U
View the launch trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnny6Ux643o
Tailored to the true maritime fan, the Core Mission Campaignengages you in eleven missions featuring core ship simulationgameplay. Control a harbor tug as you tow huge container vesselsthrough harbor traffic. Fight an oil rig fire with firefightingships. Take on the role of a Coastguard Captain and inspectsvessels for contraband and illegal cargo. Experience the harbors ofthe world as you travel to New York, San Francisco, Rotterdam andSydney, Hamburg, Marseille, Calais and others.
Ship Simulator Extremes is available for digital download on allleading digital distribution platforms, in European retail storesand through the Paradox webshop.
For a full list of purchase links please visit http://www.paradoxplaza.com/games/ship-simulator-extremes
To check out the latest news and information on the game, followShip Simulator Extremes on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ShipSim and @Shipsim on Twitteror visit the website www.shipsim.com.
About Ship Simulator Extremes:
VSTEP is proud to announce Ship Simulator Extremes, the nextgame in the acclaimed Ship Simulator series. With over 550K copiessold, the series returns with a new game that pushes the boundariesof simulation gaming. Featuring stunning visuals, accurate vesselbehavior, famous locations and ports all over the world andmissions based on actual events, this is one simulator game thatyou cannot afford to miss.
Dragon Warrior is an old school style of deck that has seen play off-and-on through the history of Hearthstone. While it hasn’t seen much play as of late, it is looking to make a jump back into the meta with the Rastakhan’s Rumble expansion. This is a Hearthstone Guide for Dragon Warrior with Card List, Mulligan, Strategy, and Variants. Dragon Warrior is a broad archetype that uses a range of Dragons and their Battlecry effects to combine with Warrior's broad range of removal tools. Due to the number of tools available, Dragon Warrior decks can range from a Midrange Tempo deck to a direct alternative to Control Warrior. Dragon warrior hearthstone.
About Paradox Interactive
Since 1999, Paradox Interactive has been a leading globaldeveloper and publisher of PC-based strategy games. World-renownedfor its strategy catalog, the company holds a particularly strongpresence in the United States and Europe. Its steadily-growingportfolio includes originally developed titles such as thecritically acclaimed Europa Universalis and the Hearts of Ironfranchises, as well as publishing titles such as the Elven Legacyseries, Mount&Blade and Majesty 2. Paradox made an explosiveentry onto consoles during 2010 with the release of Lead and Gold:Gangs of the Wild West. For more information, please visit www.paradoxplaza.com and follow @pdxinteractiveon twitter.
Game developer VSTEP harnesses an exciting mix of commercial andserious game developers and has created successful simulation gamesas well as professional simulators and virtual training projects.VSTEP has created the bestselling Ship Simulator game series. Apioneer in the creation of innovative simulation and virtualtraining, VSTEP is a multiple winner of acclaimed governmentalinnovation prizes. The developer is based in Rotterdam, TheNetherlands. Read more: www.vstep.nl