The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter Walkthrough

'The Vanishing of Ethan Carter' is an open-world adventure game. The events of the game do not take place in several motionless locations - the. Once you've got a game that looks the part, of course, you need actors and action and sound to fill that world. This is another area that The Vanishing of Ethan Carter does well, though perhaps a little more sparsely than the rest of the world. The Astronauts development team have made use of motion capture to obtain very good models of the.

Complete The Vanishing of Ethan Carter with the help of this HD video walkthrough and game guide.

Game Overview:

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is an adventure game with puzzle elements that revolves around dark mysteries and paranormal activity. Created by an independent development studio The Astronauts, the game is out for release in September 2014 on the PC with the PS4 version releasing at an unannounced date in 2015.
Check out the video walkthrough of The Vanishing of Ethan Carter below and let us know if you have any questions in the comments section below.

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The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is a puzzle game where you play as ' Paul Prospero ', a detective looking for Ethan Carter after the strange messages he's been receiving from him. Your primary objective is to find Ethan Carter, however the world of Red Creek Valley has some dark secrets which you'll need to solve in order to find him. Welcome to Red Creek Valley:Hints / Tips:.

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Always explore all the corners around you, items of interest only show their written interaction option when you get quite close. There is no inventory and no logbook for recording the information you find so it might be worth taking a few screen shots here and there to help remind you what you've already found. When you first enter Red Valley Creek you find yourself in a beautiful wooded area with the railway track running straight out to a railway bridge with views over the reservoir.

This wood is where you encounter your first puzzle about the sap man. This puzzle consists of 5 traps which you must spring without injuring yourself. Once you find each of the 5 traps you can then sense what the area is concealing from you.Trap one is a swinging mace which you encounter very shortly after heading up the right hand track, this is then followed by a floor level spike pad on a spring.Traps 1 & 2.If you then return back to the railway track back the way you came and follow the railway track you'll come upon a rock slide which has covered the track. Take a few steps back and look to the right and you'll see an upright spiked springboard trap - get close to spring it but not too close!Trap 3.Once you've sprung that head back to where you started and then move to explore the large wooded glade on the left side of the train track.

Here you'll encounter trap 4 which is a floor level pit with spinning spikes in. It quite easily recognised however by the ring of dead grass around it. Move deeper into the woods from here and trap 5 is also on the floor - a bear trap which is sprung by a stick as you get close.Traps 4 & 5.Once you've sprung all the traps try sensing on any of them and it will take you through to the blue phase.

From there you'll find a glade which is littered with skeletons. Move to the base of the tree and you'll find a note from Ethan - the story of the Sap man. Read the note and then place it back down and you'll exit the blue phase. Read the notes around the campfire which has suddenly appeared for some more back story.Glade before and after solving the puzzle.Glade with the skeletons in.Once you've done that then head back to the railway line. Here is an excellent opportunity to earn another achievement 'the tunnel' before leaving this first area. Instructions are on the achievement section.

However feel free to do it later should you wish, once you're ready continue along the railway track and follow it out to the bridge. The first murder you encounter is that of Travis. If you've ignored puzzle one simply follow the railway track to the railway bridge, at this point anyone who did puzzle one should be at the same place. Follow the railway track across the bridge at the other end you'll encounter a train, continue past the train and follow either the railway track or the road.

Intersecting the railway track and the road you'll find a heavy blood trail; follow it to get to Travis' body the starting site for the murder investigation. You can try touching the body which will give prompts but at this point it's impossible to enter the blue phase because you don't have enough information to visualise how Travis was killed. So this is how you solve the murder.Start at the body which will give you some prompting suggestions about his death, ending in head trauma which is the clue. So you need to find what injured him first.

If you head back to the railway track ignoring the other prompts for now and follow the railway track to the end you'll find a collection of rocks with a traffic sign. If you inspect in the centre of the rocks you'll find one is missing, inspecting this will give you the prompt to find the murder tool - the rock.The rock cluster and where the rock is missing from.The prompt suggests to head back up the railway track and on the grassy verge to the right near the tree stump you'll find the rock.

Return it to the collection of rocks and now we'll turn our attention to the next clue. Heading back up the railway line you'll find a gas can with gasoline puddle, inspect this and then look at the dry discoloured grass patch on the railway track - this pretty much screams that the train was here. This will prompt you to find the train.Dead grass and gas can.Follow the railway tracks but up towards the bridge to find the train. Inspect the front of the train where you'll find blood.

It will then prompt you to find a crank so you can turn on the train - so that you can move it into position in the crime scene.The train.The crank is located down on the rocky beach, to get there use the path following on from the body of Travis. The crank is sitting on the edge of the lake, move carefully from right to left along the stoney beach and you ought to find it reasonably quickly.An overlook of the riverside and where the crank is.Take the crank back up to the train carriage and plug it on to the crank dial at the front, interact to turn on the train. Then manouver it back down the line into position on the faded grass.

To get it in the right position if you put the telegraph pole in the third window on the right you've pretty much got it bang on.Lining up the train to solve the murder.Once you've got the train in position there are two final pieces of information needed to solve the murder. Head up the track and inspect the point where the blood trail leading to Travis' body begins and then head a bit further up the track and inspect the rope bonds on the railway tracks. Right now you've got enough information to be able to activate the blue phase. Head back to the body of Travis and interact with it by holding the action key. You then get these lights (which will become familiar in all the clues) spreading out on the key sites of the murder investigation. Exit from the river side and where to seek the traffic light.As you're on the river side head to the left end and you'll find a new pathway taking you up behind the blocked railway track.

From there look to the left into the forest and you'll see a clump of trees with a bush - aware that's fairly non-descript see the screen shot for extra help. Among them you'll find what could almost be described as a traffic light. You can press on each of the lights and when you do so in the right order they all turn blue.Traffic light.Unfortunately it seems to transprire that the activation sequence for the lights is randomised based on user feedback and playing the game through a few more times. Thankfully the task shouldn't take you avid gamers long! After this a spaceman will appear, you need to chase him through the woods. He'll keep disapearing but continue running in the direction he was travelling.The spaceman.Eventually you'll see a large spaceship explode out of the dirt ahead of you which the spaceman goes inside via a light beam at the bottom - you should follow.The spaceship.You'll then be treated to a rather trippy ride through space.

Once the ride has finished and you've viewed the universe through the windows a compartment in the seat on the back of the spaceship will open. Read the note and you'll be transported back to reality, where you've materialised in a shed which wasn't present before. Read the notes inside the shack and then make your way out of the woods towards the railway tracks again. Continue to follow them to the left around the lake.

Follow the railway tracks around the lake to the left until you come to a railway crossing where you can cross the two lakes using the large hydroelectric dam.Train crossing.Once you've crossed the dam you'll find two buildings; the Carter house is larger property on the right hand side while the property on the left contains the next puzzle. However first take a trip into the Carter house and listen to some of the backstory of the game (there are 7 clips in different rooms around the house), pay careful attention to how the rooms look as your wonder around it will be really helpful in the next puzzle.Once you've explored the Carter house head back to the other house and enter. On the right there is a table with a note on, read it, then put down the note. Instantly you'll find that the normal doorways in the house have been filled with portals. Go through the first one either on the ground floor or the floor above. From there the objective of the puzzle it to make all the rooms connect up such that it mirrors the Carter property - I said remembering the rooms would be useful.Floorplan.Just in case you weren't paying attention I've split the puzzle into each of the 3 floors using the diagram above. I've given each portal a number which will correspond to an image below.

Once you've correctly matched up the the portals destination step through to confirm the link. Do this for all the rooms with the attic last. (Note G = Ground, M = First and A = Attic)Portal G1 & G2.Portal G3 & G4.Portal M1 & M2.Portal M4 & M6.Portal A1 & wizard's room.Once you've done the attic one step through and then turn around; you will find that the portal you stepped through has changed and now re-directs you to the wizards secret room.Read the note in here and then you'll be returned to reality in a real room in the upstairs of the house you entered. Read the notes in this room too for additional plot details and then head outside and back to the road. Once you're on the road again take the dirt track around the back of the Vendegriff house up into the hills to find the Monastry for the next murder. Having followed the dirt track up into the hills you'll a Stave church that is quite eyrie in appearance. The track leads around to both the left and right, follow the left path around the stave church and down into an area of mausaleums.

You'll notice that the one labelled Vandegriff is in fact open. Head on down into this.

At the bottom of the stairs on the left you'll notice first a level which you can pull if you want - there will be no result at this point in time. There are also two perchs above a basin full of oil with one raven on the right hand perch. If you inspect this it will prompt you to find the other raven.You'll find the other raven in the graveyard in front of the main entrance to the stave church mentioned earlier. If you stand in front of the statue and head left at a 45 degree angle you'll come accross the raven next to a grave - see the screenshot for a visual.Raven Location.Once you've got the raven return to the crypt and place it on the other perch and now pull the lever. It will cause the ignition of the oil so that in the firelight you can see the inside of the crypt. You will find a the murder scene of Chad. (Admittedly I've not tried investigating the scene in the dark).

For now simply inspect Chad's head and leave the dagger in his chest.Chad's body.Exit the Crypt and look on the outside left wall of the crypt, then inspect the wheel barrel too. After continue heading left down the hill to find the last of the clues without additional tasks attached.

Next head back up to the Vandegriff crypt and look at the blood and feathers on the left of the crypt when facing it. Inspecting this will prompt you to find the knife located in Chad's chest inside the crypt.

The final clue is on the rock to the left of the earthy steps back up to the stave church which you originally came down. This will prompt you to find an oil lamp which is lying on the floor at the bottom of the church tower. To find this head into the church and look on the right hand wall until you find the passageway leading to the church tower.Scene images.Once you've returned the lamp you can return to the body of Chad to enter the blue phase. The witch forest puzzle is by far the easiest to over look because it doesn't make itself obvious that there is a puzzle in that area.

Once you've passed the Carter household and began the follow the road down towards the mine head up into the forests on the left of the road, such that you're heading towards the church but through the woods instead of the track. Alternatively you can use the mud track behind the Vandegriff Mausoleum, the fires of the witches hut are visible from the track. You'll be taken into the blue phase and you'll get something of an errie voice over.What you need to do is look around and you should notice a glowing area of the screen, this is your destination you need to head towards this. As you move towards it you'll encounter sort of teleport jumps where you move relative to your surroundings. Each time this happens continue towards the glowing tent.

Once you make it there there is a note on the floor, read it and you've complete the witch forest puzzle. Once you've solve Chad murder you'll be prompted by a conversation between Dale and Ethan that he is going to head into the mine. To get to the mine head back down the hill from the church towards the Carter house.

At the Carter house, rejoin the main road, and head down the road away from the damn. Continue to follow this path until you reach the locked iron gates which block the official entrance to the mine.Mine entrance.As the official entrance is blocked you'll need to head up the dirt track to the right and up on the right you'll find a rocky entrance point you can investigate to go into the mine. Follow the path down into the mine, there are some dead ends but they are easily navigate, until you find the path terminating with a lift.

Take this down, deeper into the mine, you'll come out in yet more tunnel. Continue to work your way downwards until you come to an open cavern with a train track. It's in this room you'll find the body of Missy.Murder cavern.In this cavern room the first thing you'll need to do is to work your way around the room to the right where you'll find a submerged lift unit. Raise it using the control panel to the left of the lift pit to reveal the body of Missy, and inspect it, then move to the right of the lift cage to the minepick shelf. If you inspect it you'll be prompted that there is a missing mine axe and to go and find it.Mine axe.The axe is locked deeper into the mine, so move onto the train tracks and follow them out of the cavern deeper into the mine. On the right you'll find a side passage with a mine train in.

You're going to need the lights on this to illuminate the passage so that you can find the axe. Wii music download. (Note: you don't really need light to find the axe, but the pick axe only becomes interactable if the light from the mine cart is on it.) Roll the cart back down the tunnel away from the rock slide debris and then take a run at it. The rubble will explode (for lack of a better term) and you'll sail on through. Loop the cart around the cavern and then take the track back out deeper into the mine.

On the left wall you'll see a pick axe sticking into a fire extinguisher. Exit the mine cart, pick this up and return it to the rack to complete the clues for the murder. Interact with the body to engage the blue phase.Murder sequence.The correct sequence for the murder:. At the entrace to the cavern from the upper mine. In front of the lift. The control panel to the left of the lift.

The mine pick axe rack to the right of the lift. Towards the exit of the cavern going deeper into the mineFrom here there is only one further solution to continue the game, you head deeper into the mine. The next section is quite possibly the most traumatic and scary of the entire game. I'll advise this now this is probably the area of the game where you will die, if you die anywhere.

Heading deeper into the mine either on foot or using the mine cart you'll encounter two illuminated pathways. The first takes you to the Sea - Thing Puzzle, the second takes you outside - but I'll cover that later.Entrance.Head down the first illuminated tunnel and follow it down into the earth. Eventually you'll reach a doorway with a note pinned to the door advising people not to enter this area. This puzzle breaks down into two separate tasks:.

The first is to investigate the bodies without being apprehended by the cursed miner. The second to solve the puzzle platform at the centre of the maze.As you go in on the left there is a map. I would strongly advice you look at this map closey as it will help you when trying to navigate the maze. However there are additional maps dotted around to help you locate and orientate your travels. The task at hand is to investigate all four bodies in the maze then to make your way to the puzzle platform at the centre. However there is someone else in the maze - the cursed miner.

The miner doesn't want you to solve the puzzle and if he finds you well; when was your last auto save?The Miner.However importantly it is relatively easy to avoid the Miner by knowing certain pieces of information:. The appearance of the Miner is always preceded by the sound of a squeaky swinging lamp - listen really attentively for it. It's your most important signal. The Miner carrier a lantern which indicates his actual position and will be visible to you before the Miner is.

The Miner will only find you if you can see him and he therefore can see you. The Miner is deaf, so if you see the lantern light - run away!. Be mentally prepared that it might take you a while to do this challenge.The bodies are generally located around the edge of the maze rather than the confusing internal passage ways, I've places an annotated screenshot showing the location of each of the bodies. Take your time, and I'd recommend doing it in the order shown on the map as you can then move straight onto the puzzle at the maze centre.Map.Once you've investigated all the bodies and the note next to the fourth body you're ready to ascend the spiral tower mount to the top for the second part of the puzzle.

The puzzle is effectively to line up the symbols on the mechanism across the void from you on the wall. To do this you stand on the control panel where you 'focus' and from there you can rotate the rings.

If you want to figure it out yourself you'll need to first re-examine the note from the bottom of the tower. Then pay careful attention to the squares that your recently acquired souls are standing on besides you. If however you'd rather just have the code- see the screen shot below:Solution.Next you're in for a wild cutscene with a strong possibility of tentacles followed by a watery phase scene.

To escape it, move to the right and you'll find a note about the Miner. Read it and exit and you'll be teleported back to the rail tracks in the mine. Read the notes left nearby and you're ready to move on and exit the mine. Continue deeper into the mine to the second illuminated passageway. Travel through the green bubbling water and out into the light to find yourself below the dam which you passed over earlier in the game. When you exit the mine you'll come out facing the hydroelectric station at the bottom of the damn and the river, if you turn to the right you'll see a large warehouse type building. This is your next port of call.Mine exit.Head in through the door on the face of the warehouse which faces towards the dam and you'll find yourself in a small office area.

Head up the stairs and into the office upstairs and you'll find the body of Dale on the floor. Inspect the body and now you're ready to start solving this mystery. First inspect the knocked over stationery jar on the desk, it prompts you to find some scissors. You'll find these in the lift which takes you from the lower area with the power plant to the upper area of the map where the Carter house is. It's on a roughly left 45 degree angle from the office area. So if you stand facing the office unit, turn right and head towards the cliff upon the top of which sits the house of portals building.Scissor location and fireaxe cabinet.Pick this up and head back towards the office, place the scissors on the desk. Next head downstairs and you'll find a emergency cabinet on the right, if you inspect it you'll be prompted to find a fire axe.

If you head back up to the murder scene you'll find the fire axe on the floor, return it to the cabinet. Head back upstairs for the final time and inspect the door this time. After this move to inspect the body of Dale, you're ready to reconstruct the timeline.Having moved into the blue phase you'll find 5 interaction points starting at the body of Dale moving back towards the exit of the mine from earlier. Examine each of these and then decide on what you think the timeline is. Alternatively the list is below:Murder timeline.

Exit of the mine. Halfway between the mine and the house. Just outside the house. Just outside the upstairs office.

Inside the upstairs officeHaving solve Dale's murder you'll find the light orbs instead of disapearing like normal head off in the direction of the hydroelectric pumphouse at the base of the dam and you remain in the blue phase. Head to the pump house which you'll now find is open and head inside, you'll find an interaction point on the ground floor between the generators between Chad and Ethan.Pumphouse.Once you've seen this you'll exit the blue phase - murder solved. To exit the power plant head to the door in the direction of the warehouse you'll find you can unlock it from the inside, while you couldn't from the outside. The Vandegriff house is the next point on your quest, finding it is relatively simple if you know what you're looking for otherwise you could be wandering around the map for a while. Head into the hydroelectric generator plant, you'll find one of the generators is currently letting water through the dam. If you head behind this unit you'll find a valve which you can close to cut off the waterflow through the dam.Pumphouse valve and river crossing.Once you do this you'll find that the amount of water flowing into the river has dropped.

Head back towards the warehouse and look at the river you'll find that with the water level lower that a crossing over to the otherside of the river has become transversable. There is a path on the other side, follow this path to an open moor area beyond. You'll find the charred remains of the Vandegriff property overlooking the lake.Vandegriff house.Head into the burnt down Vandegriff house and head to the right and you'll find a puzzle lock on the floor. When you sense interact with this puzzle piece you'll be treated to a short dialogue with a key phrase in. What you need to do is insert this key word into the puzzle lock and it will open a stairwell behind you to the secret room referred to earlier by Ethan in the Vandegriff house.Floor lock puzzle.Head down into the basement and you'll find an antichamber with the body of Ed (the old man) time to solve another murder. Ed's murder doesn't have an clues, once you inspect the body you'll be taken directly into the blue phase. You'll then need to examine the room of the murder time line points and decide on which order they go in.Murder timeline.The correct order for the murder is:.

Entrance to the secret antichamber. The windows on the left of the room.

The doors to the inner chamber. The body of Ed.A very quick murder solve. Enter the now open inner chamber and attempt to wake Ethan Carter which will be followed by a long cutscene explaining the origin of Paul Pospero. This is an achievement which I think need's just a little bit of explanation in order for you to able to solve it.

The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter Walkthrough

The achievement consists of two parts; finding the grenade and finding the diver. It's easiest to do this achievement once you've complete the game.To find the grenade head back to the wood area where you chased the astronaut earlier. In this wooded area continue to head directly away from the railway line and you'll find an observation point looking out, here you'll find a pine cone which you can inspect which transforms into a grenade.Pine cone location.Take this grenade to the roadway running over the top of the damn, at the third observation point on the right hand side of the damn you'll be able to interact and throw the grenade into the lake.Once you've done this head down in the lift and head through the hydroelectric power plant building to the small beach on the other side. You'll find the body of a diver and a rifle, inspect them to pick up the rifle and the unfinished story achievement is yours.The diver. I think I got the whole story and The Sleeper's victims:-Ethan releases The Sleeper.

It possesses his whole family.-Missy kills Chad (1st victim) because Ethan is being bricked into a tomb near a church-like building and Chad tries to kill Dale. Ethan escapes during that.-Dale kills Missy (2nd victim) in the mine by drowning her in a pool in the mines. Ethan talks to Dale about going through a boiling area.-Travis confronts Dale outside the mine shaft doorway at the bottom of the dam and Dale (3rd victim) commits suicide with scissors. Ethan talks to Travis in the generator room.-Ed confronts Travis near the bridge. Ethan was tied up by Travis, but Ethan got free. Ed kills Travis (4th victim) with a train car and wacks to the head with a crank. Ethan is terrified of Ed.-Ethan and Ed go back to the Corvus area.

Ed (5th victim) sacrifices himself to the gasoline fire.-Ethan is found in the final room with his drawings laying on a makeshift bed. ThanksMind if I offer a bit of advice? You should post this is in the Redux guide section also, as the achievements are the same, so the walkthru here is still valid and more helpful than anything in the Redux version's guide section (which is why I'm returning here for anything not still fresh enough in my head from playing the reg.version).1 more thing- it would be helpful if you mention the grenade/pinecone earlier in the guide so no one on a first run has to backtrack to go back for it. It was much easier on my 2nd playthru to grab it when I was in that area, and throw it on my first time crossing the bridge, now I'll run into what I need to later in the game and no backtracking necessary.I understand if you're not bothered by backtracking, that's fine, ppl are different, but there are many gamers that find it quite irritating, especially so if it didn't have to be.