Unepic The Great Fire

Krampusnacht. When most children in the world are thinking of a jolly, round old man with a white beard who’s going to come clambering down their chimney on December 25th, bearing a bag full of presents, children in Bavaria, much of Eastern Europe, and parts of Germany are gearing up for Krampusnacht twenty days before. The Feast of St. Nicholas is celebrated in parts of Europe on 6 December. On the preceding evening of 5 December, Krampus Night or Krampusnacht, the wicked hairy devil appears on the streets. Sometimes accompanying St. Nicholas and sometimes on his own, Krampus visits homes and businesses.

IMPORTANT THINGS TO NOTE NOW. Don't KILL any Crows until near the end of the game when you will be told you can finally do so. This means you will be unable to complete a couple quests as they are found and have to wait until the end to backtrack to them. This is because some quests will REQUIRE you to kill crows.

Killing crows before you are told you can, will cause a missable achievement also and an additional play through if you save afterwards. If you accidentally kill one, load a previous save.

Pets killing a Crow also count as a Kill for Daniel and void the achievement. Every time you level up be sure to add the character points to your melee weapon chosen and your bow, and also to your constitution and armor. Extra points hang on to for now, for later use (don't worry, they won't go anywhere!).

The first room of the library and also has a shop. Ar pocket dinosaur simulator mod. Clear the room and light all the torches.

Head into the shop. At this point I had about 1500 coins.

Jun 19, 2013  Fire is just so destructive. For example, I breezed through the catacombs with fire breath slaughtering entire hallways of skeletons in one cast. My firebolts were hitting for around a grand a shot (non-crit) nearing the end and i could rapid fire them because i used the robes of concentration that upped fire cast speed by like 35%.

Purchase an Assault Sword (x116 Coins), Scale Armor (x290 Coins), a Windbreaker Bow (x250 Coins), and a Magic Red Candle (x80 Coins). Also if you've got the Coins to spare purchase the 3 new recipes (towards a later achievement) and some Long Arrows to use for your new bow.As long as you were able to equip all these items (the armor is Level 9) then sell the old versions. Otherwise hang onto them until you're able to equip the new ones. BE CAREFUL NOT TO SELL THE QUEST TRIDENT if you grabbed it earlierAlso you'll want to buy a handful of Long Arrows for your new bow.Assault Swordx116 CoinsScale Armorx290 CoinsWindbreaker Bowx250 CoinsMagic Red Candlex80 CoinsRecipe: Potion of Regenerationx135 CoinsRecipe: Potion of Ghost Shapex150 CoinsRecipe: Potion of Invisiblitityx200 CoinsBe sure to exit out of the opposite door you entered into the shop to exit to a different section of (7,6) to light all the torches. The Windbreaker Bow will make quick work of these Arcane Magic Librarians. Be sure to grab the Scroll: Arcane Immunity from the lower right pedestal/chest.

By that I mean if you head to the bottom left door in the interior you'll exit at the bottom left of the previous room, Top left interior exits to top left of (6,7) and top right interior exits to top right (6,7). Be sure to get the x2 Improve Weapon Scrolls from behind the hidden wall at lower left. Also in this lower left area will be x2 Scroll: Melee Mastery and Protective Ring of Elements.Also be sure to head to the top left to the NPC Quest. This is an optional quest but HIGHLY recommended as the reward is easily THE BESTreward from a quest in the game. In this top left area also there will be a Scroll: Fire Immunity to grab. QUEST - Writing MagicReward: Mind Magic, Tome of MentalQuest Giver: Mind Spirit Gold Box QuestLocation: The Library (7,9)Golden Essence 0 / 100Blank Paper 0 / 200Black Feather 0 / 1Black Ink 0 / 1NOTES: DO NOT complete this quest until you've finished the Crow achievement, since this quest requires you to kill a crow to get the lootable item Black Feather.Golden Essence - Easily farmed through the Library or purchased at the Kitchen.Blank Paper - Found on bookshelves / pedestals throughout the Library.

Much more than needed.Black Feather - Obtained as a lootable item from a Crow. Crows are located in many rooms, including an interior room in (6,8).Black Ink - Obtained from Octopus enemy in the Sewers as a lootable item.Back to (7,9). HALO / SAVE then make your way back to the Spirit Box room by foot or by using a Scroll of Return. Head to the left to (6,9). Now we're just about set to fight the area's Boss - Neuron. HALO / SAVE.Make sure to head to Harnakon Bank and drop off ALL POTIONS AND POTION VIALS AND YOUR HALOIt is impossible to defeat Neuron with your HALO in inventory so be 100% sure to drop off your HALO in the vault.

This is because he will “outsmart you” and cause you to use it when he's about to die and you’ll have to start from scratch with his health! Very Annoying! While you're there dropping your HALO in the bank it will life 1000% easier when fighting the boss to drop off your potions too (although it is still possible to defeat him without dropping your potions in bank).

It is easier because one of his attacks is an annoying ability to make you drop a potion. It’s a long animation and then you will often drop another 1/2 second later, so you can effectively be stuck from moving for a long time (depending on how many potions you have).Plan on having at least enough magic to cast Healing X15 as long as your weapon is dealing in the 300 damage range once you get to the Boss.Now time to head to the Boss Door at (7,7) upper section. Here the game will teach you about one of the most useful spells/abilities The Sleep Spell. However in order to use Sleep Spells you need mind magic (mental magic). In order to get access to this type of magic you’d have to kill Crows. So we won’t be using this type of magic any time soon! Grab the x20 Golden Magic Essence from the chest at the top right.

If you're feeling brave you can take on the 3 Red Helmets in this Interior area then grab x30 more Golden Magic Essence but I'd suggest just skip them and then head over the top of the interior room to make it to the Boss Arena.We will also want to make sure once again that we have the Healing Spell hotkey’d as well as use a Improve Weapon Scroll on our primary weapon. You'll also want about 40-50 Green Magic Essence (since we'll be using it to heal with healing spell).

Neuron will go through a series of attacks starting with the basic 'drain your health slowly' spell, to the aforementioned 'drop your potions' spell, culminating in the reversed controls attack. Once this is used on you you will have to use the opposite direction to move. Left becomes Right and vice versa.The basic strategy for him is simple; Climb the Ladders on the Side, Zipline towards him, jump off and hit him once with melee weapon as you fall. Rinse and repeat getting only one hit per zipline.

That’s about all you can do, so make sure you have your best melee weapon at the ready! Once you have managed to kill him be extra careful with your backtracking as you can not HALO until you go recollect your HALO.

I suggested purchasing the Harnakon Bank Feather before the battle (if you haven’t already) that way you can FEATHER from boss room to Bank, grab your HALO, then HALO SAVE.