Game Dev Story Special Characters

Method Cost Power Condition Program Scenario Graphics Sound Stroll $30.0k -2 1st office +3 +3 Reading $30.0K -2 1st Office +4 +3 Movie $50.0K.

Game Industry InsiderWelcome to the latest issue of GII, where we spotlight the industry's brightest, boldest, and most innovative. This month we shall be taking an in-depth look at Devigames, a developer with more than 35 years in the business, and the geniuses behind the hit RPG franchise, Agorath. In particular, we shall talk to the man behind Devigames, the founder and lead developer, and winner of Game Dev Lifetime Achievement Reward, Nolan Pettit.In their posh office in Toronto, Canada, we sit down with Nolan and discuss Devigames humble beginnings. Nolan, navigating a rubix cube in the lounge of his studio, tells us where Devigames got started.' I actually started Devigames in my parent's garage back in highschool.

My first game was a text based educational game, called Spelling Bee. It did surprisingly well. But what really propelled me out of my parents house, and recognized as a professional company had to be Rush Hour.' Rush Hour, the largely successful City Simulation game established a large cult following. After Rush Hour, Devigames released a string of mediocre games with varying success, such as Game #15.' It was a hard time for us. We had to take out a loan in order to stay a float and the future of Devigames was in question.

We needed a hit, and we needed it bad.' It was at this time, that Devigames teamed up with the publisher Ubesoft and created the widely successful adventure-sim, Bad Dog! Targeted to a young audience, the game which debuted on the Gameling and STES, proved that Devigames had the ability to create games that merged genres and appealed to a wide variety of players.Building upon their success with Bad Dog!, Devigames returned to their roots with Cityscape. A city simulator that built upon the foundation of Rush Hour and vastly improved upon it. Armed with a new engine, built specifically for Rush Hour, the game proved to be a huge success, and thrust Devigames in the forefront of sim games.That was when things took a downswing with the release of the bug-riddled flop, Bridge Runner.' Bride Runner was our first attempt at an Action Adventure game, and in hindsight was very mismanaged on my part. We had just finished Rush Hour and had very little rest.

Despite our ambitions, my team was tired and the finished product reflected that. We released a patch to fix bugs soon after release, but it was too little, too late.' Despited Devigames high promises of the Bridge Runner, the game was a disaster netting a loss of 4 million dollars, and turning the relationship between Devigames and Ubesoft sour.' After that, I decided to branch off on our own. We had already established ourselves as one of the most popular developers at G3 and had all the tools to publish our own games.' Building a cutting edge engine, Devigames created a flagship game for the Mbox 360, B.C.

The evolution-strategy game. The game was the most expensive game to make of it's time, costing over 7.5 million to create.

The pricetag was well earned as the game oozed polish and smashed the game charts. New World was released two years later, with a new engine, and ported to the XBox One, PS5 and the P.C. The sequel became the most profitable game ever released, earning 200 million dollars.When asked who is behind Devigames success, Nolan credits the fans.' It's all thanks to the fans. Why do we make our games with mod support, release our old engines for free, offer patches, and take a soft stance on copyright issues?

Because we love our fans. Without them, I would still be in my parent's garage.' I would like to begin by thanking my loan officer. The 20 million dollars loaned to me in 15 separate emergency loans over the course of my first 4 turbulent years in buisiness really help us stay aflot. I will never forget our second last encounter where after embarking on a 12 million dollar spending binge (of the banks previous loan) he decided to extend me an aditional 200 thousand dollars of credit. Adding to it the tacic suggestion that perhaps i should be more frugal with my spending on staff drives and engine development. And 'get the game on shelf as soon as possible' The expiry on the 12 million loan was less than 3 months away after all.And so.

I polished the hell out of it anwyway. With less than 2 weeks and 43 thousand dollars of credit left before the bank forclosed the Expansive large Histrory Strategy game Carthago (Sequal to Rome 0.1) hit the shelves overnight.

As one game store clerk put it 'I got to work late the second day and thought we had been robbed'. Carthago scored solid 10's and rave reviews catapulting Red Games out of Bankrapcy and into the lofty reaches of gameing history topping the charts for ten consecutive weeks and launching the company into the AAA arena.And when our next game; the epic sports action AAA for both M Boxes and the Playsystem 2 whose name doesn't need mentioning began development (after revamping the already new engine and an extensive staff training regime) credit once again began to get tight and I returned to a familliar loan office in a bank far far away.

The loan officer Collin arched an eyebrow 'You'll take your time and make it great?' I nodded, a cheshire cat grin breaking across my face. One month and 200 million Dollars later I heard Collin mutter as I walked out the door for the last time 'Damn. There goes my biggest and most regular customer'Red Games has gone on to develop its own console and a hit MMO Fantasy Strategy RPG.But the thing that most makes me smile. Was the review for that first tripple A Sports Action by Game Hero'.Gamers just love BALLS!'

My story begins with my first game I made in my garage, Boeing Simulator. It was pretty good, and gave people a good impression. It was on the G64. A couple games later, I made Gun and Hat, a cowboy action game rated M. It was also good. Soon I moved into a larger building.I hired some staff and we created games such as Gun and Hat 2, and Guts and Gold, a pirate game.

Many years later we moved into a game studio and I hired more people. It became A team of 6, if you add me, its seven.Now, here is the story of my flop, Miki's Adventure. I should have made it bigger, not made it a Fantasy game, and I should have had my entire team. Soon I recovered.

Soon it was 35 years and I claimed my reward. I created my first MMO, Gun and Hat: Online.

I couldn't handle it and I took it off the market. I tried another, but the same thing happened.I continued and I created my first console, the Game Planet. It was less powerful, but it was still a good console. Many more years later, the R@D lab wanted to research 3d graphics version 7. It would put us on top of graphics.

After some more consoles, I created the Game Meteor. It was more advanced than all other consoles and had great durability. I also created the Game World.

It was even more sucessful. It was taken off the market becuase I'm working on a new console.As this is being written, my new console, the White Planet, is in development. Also, the Boeing Simulator series is still going. I'm not doing as well, but I bet I'll make another hit. And that, is what happened so far.

I'm still going, and I'll keep going until I go bankrupt. PressSelectToRetryPodger: Hello, my little Nerdlodytes! It's your fav Game Gal, Podger, on a very special edition of PressSelectToRetry. I am coming to you live from G3 at the incredibly awesome show floor to speak to industry favorite and big time game development studio, Moonshadow Games! They are here to promote the latest installment to the highly popular Fantasy Adventure game, Age of Molok IV as well as the awesome Transportation Sim, Catch That Bus: Radical Road Rage! Let's check it out!(Random cut shots of cosplay, game demos and panels.)Podger: I am here with Moonshadow Games CEO and Founder, Ernest Castro, creator of AoM and Bus. May I say, sir, you are looking good tonight.Ernest Castro: I'm feeling good, Podger.

We just wrapped up the Age of Molok IV showcase and we're right now showing a teaser for our upcoming Romance Adventure sequel to Love Thief 3.P: Love Thief? Oh my gosh, I absolutely LOVE that series! Jean Luc Baguette was like my very first crush in grade school.(PSTR TIP: Love Thief is the tragic story of Jean Luc Baguette, a French master thief who runs afoul the beautiful Japanese Mafia Heiress, Tochiko Mishimata, and the couple eventually falls in love while avoiding the perils of the law and Mafia. It has won Best Kiss G3 two years in a row and is currently available on MBox Arcade and Spigot's Smoke store.)EC: He was a very popular character in a very popular games series. Did you know that during that entire development, I almost went bankrupt?P: Oh man! That's crazy! But it paid off, didn't it?

Love Thief sold over 500k on the Market.EC: Yep. It was a pretty great achievement. It also helped pay for the first foray into the darker side of gaming, Presidential Evil, which got me over 1.1M and got me my first real game studio.P: That game was so epically scary!EC: I have always been a horror movie fan and it just seemed so odd that no one else tried to bring the fear and terror of the horror genre to the gaming platform. If no one else would, I decided I would do it.(PSTR TIP: Presidential Evil is a Horror Action game where players survive a night in the haunted Hall of Presidents. It was the first game to have LAN multiplayer support as well as the debut of Moonshadow Games Eclipse Engine.)P: But it wasn't all zombie Washingtons and love lorn Assassins, was it?EC: I'm going to stop you right there.

I know where this is going. (sigh) Super Snow Day.P: Super Snow Day. Your epic fail attempt to get into the hand held business. SSD sold an abysmal 2.3k return from a 200k budget.

Things looked pretty bad.EC: It sucked.P.Yeah, yeah it did. I was trying to be polite.EC: Don't spare my feelings. I have made peace with Snow Day.P: You really thought that sort of game would work?EC: Yes. I thought Snow Day would really appeal to the younger audiences.

I mean, the figures were there. When Snow Day tanked, I decided to ditch the Market trend and just stick to PC and consoles gaming over Hand Held. I forged ahead with Love Thief 2 on Playsystem, Presidential Evil 2 on PC and the highly popular Fantasy Strategy game, Orcs Versus Ogres on Dreamvast. Those three hits in a row really helped me bounce back.P: So besides AoM, Love Thief and Catch That Bus, what can we expect in the future from Moonshadow Games?EC: We're currently working on converting Presidential Evil into a next gen title for the Playsystem 4 launch. I'm excited to announce our new Spy Action MMO, Defcon, coming next year and I hope to have the new Supernova game engine finished in time our winter release of the highly anticipated Prison Sim, Warden.P: Well, Sir, it's been great talking to you. Thank you for your time.

Anything else you'd like to say?EC: Yes, I want to thank the fans out there. You're all crazy idiots for loving my games and for that, I am truly thankful.

Check out the fan game of Presidential Evil, Presidential Evil Online, those guys did a bang up job and I urge you to pledge on their Dropkick Starter. They may be the next Moonshadow Games for the future.P: I'll be sure to check it out. Alright, guys this is Podger.EC: And Moonshadow Games.P: Signing off! Welcome to GamesCrusade. Today we have an interview with Alan Jones, founder and CEO of dTx.I started off in my garage, and there I set up my desk and computer, but I gave a ton of space to just my paper.

There I put in the concepts for all my games. I still do to this day. The first game I put out was TextLife, and as you guessed, was basically like the Sims but with only text. You played as one of 3 characters, a kid named Alex Wesley, or an adult, with a female and male counterpart. It got a solid 7. I was excited with the success of the game, and I quickly got work to my next one.

I remembered my research of the city in middle school, and I quickly got work to 'City Slicker'. I was a masochist here. I put everything into this project. I was so happy when it came out. I renamed it City Slicker 85 because I was hoping to have a franchise going. It was lower than TextLife, but a 6.25 isn't bad.

I basically mastered simulation games. At least I thought I did. I worked on Businessman next, a game where you play as the CEO of one of three industries, each with different difficulties. It was a 7.5 hit. I loved what was going on. Then, I found out engines could be made.

I made my first engine and I thought of it as either superpowers or steroids. So I named it Superpowers. I made my first Superpowered game there. It was called Pirates at Bay.

I was so happy when I made it and when it was released it was a real big hit. Biggest game be continued. Nerd Smell started off as a modest company created by some dude named Joseph in his garage. At first, they were nothing special. Their first game, 'Dungeon Solver', got an average review score of 6, bringing in just under $1k. Their post-apocalyptic adventure game, 'Fellout', was received in a similar light, getting a 5.5 average with a profit of $37.1k.

Needless to say, they were doing alright. But this was not good enough for Joseph.Frustrated by the reception he was getting, Joseph became both increasingly ambitious and aggressive (a failed marketing technique can be found in one game titled 'Buy This Game You Sh.tass'). Nerd Smell's first real success came with 'Politacl', a political simulation game for the PC. The game garnered an average score of 8.25 and sold $117k in copies. Toy blast app for laptop.

The hits kept coming with the next game 'Break Out of Prison (where u belong)'. The title of this game clearly shows the contempt that Joseph had for his audience. The game received another 8.25 and sold fairly well. Their next game, 'Fortnite', received only a 6. However, perhaps spurred on by his previous victories, Joseph continued to develop more games under Nerd Smell.Nerd Smell's famous comedy-adventure series 'Grumpus N Gringo' started on the Gameling with 'Grumpus N Gringo: Gravy Train'. The game received a 4.75, while its companion game on the PC ('Grumpus N Gringo: Take Back the Government') got a 5.75. The games both got average scores, which is surprising considering the quality the series is generally known for.

Perhaps they got flak for being released too closely.Joseph's first great success was with the Gameling virtual pet game 'Grow Your Own Lunch,' which received a 9.5 and made a total of $5.6 million. The zombie action game 'zomBOIII' was Nerd Smell's first foray into the world of mature games, and did fairly well with an average review score of 6.25. However, Joseph would not be prepared for the success soon to come.Technology is always advancing at what seems like a breakneck pace, and there is no other place where this is relevant more than in the world of video gaming.

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A few month's after Nerd Smell's 6th birthday, Joseph created a very rudimentary 3d graphics system for the PC. Joseph decided to revive an old series to test out his new graphics system with: 'Grumpus N Gringo.'

Joseph decided to move in a different direction with the new game, keeping the comedy/adventure theme but making the game for a more mature audience.6 months later, Nerd Smell released the game we all know and love: 'Grumpus N Gringo: Modern Warfare.' To say this game was influential is an understatement. The game was both a critical and financial hit, garnering a review score of 9.5 and netting almost $3 million in profits. Joseph was on top of the world. Only a few years ago, he was just one dude in a garage, making rudimentary text-based adventure games. Now he had made a game that had made it to number 1 on the charts.Feeling like he could do whatever he wanted, Joseph developed a series of passion projects: the movie creator game 'da moeviees,' and the successful STES racing game 'Racism.' However, trouble would soon strike Nerd Smell.Joseph used his money to finally buy a proper office, and hired 2 people to help him make games: Tracy Washington and Brendan Walton.

Together the 3 of them made 'Grumpus N Gringo: GrumpGrumplion.' However, GGL was not as well-received as the previous game, and cost Nerd Smell $1.6 million. Things were not looking good for the trio of developers.Nerd Smell's next game, a dystopian rpg titled the 'big game for big bois' was designed to mock similar games of that era. It goes without saying that people didn't really appreciate being made fun of like this, as the game bombed, costing the studio even more money. Their next two games didn't do too well either, as both failed equally as badly.However, Nerd Smell's fans wanted one thing and one thing only: more Grumpus N Gringo.

And Nerd Smell listened. After a 3 year wait between games, 'Grumpus N Gringo: New and Improved' came out and sent shockwaves into the gaming world, garnering a profit of $2 million. Nerd Smell decided to use that money to move into a better office. However, this would ultimately contribute to their downfall.The next 3 games developed by Nerd Smell flopped, and the former titan started to bleed both money and fans. Nerd Smell's only way of staying afloat was to make more games, but in turn such games would only cause them to lose money, trapping them in an endless cycle of failure. Everyone was depressed, even the titles of the games (one game was titled 'I think we're done for, you guys'). They didn't have enough money to make a new GNG game, so Nerd Smell was doomed.

Joseph tried to circumvent the problem by developing text-based adventure games on his own like the good old days, but these games bombed as wellThe 3 developers were all depressed and scared for their future, but none were affected as badly as Joseph was. He would spend hours locked in his office, according to his former partners. Joseph would often yell at Brendan, the less skilled of the 3, for his incompetence, and would cry for hours on end at his desk alone. The company kept dying, Joseph kept yelling, and everything kept spiraling into oblivion.During development for these adventure games, Joseph was interviewed often. He appeared very stressed during these interviews, often saying things that were just plain wrong. At this same time, the other two developers were doing odd jobs and the occasional contracts.

However, without the help of Joseph, who was the most skilled developer there, many of these contracts went unfinished, leading to the company losing even more money.Nerd Smell's last successful contract work was for the computer system CGI in the award-winning blockbuster film 'Superdudes: End of the Game.' Nerd Smell's Swan Song was the abstract adventure game 'EXiST.' Back then, no one really got it, but now it is understood to be a very deep game. Developed by Joseph himself, it is a documentation of his feelings at the time of its creation. It represents the stress he went through day-by-day, the yearning for simpler times, and the deep regret for his actions leading up to that point.

With no options, no energy, and no money left, the 3 of them simply sat there, waiting to go bankrupt, waiting for the end. Nerd Smell was bought out eventually by Stynga. The studio died a quiet death.The impact Nerd Smell left on the industry during their 15-year-stint is undeniable. Grumpus N Gringo is one of the most influential adventure games ever made. All we can hope for from them is a remake. They are at the mercy of Stynga, a company known for crushing smaller studios it buys out. No one can really say what will happen next.Brendan hasn't been seen since an interview with him on the day of the buyout.

He has been quoted saying '♥♥♥♥ you, Joseph.' After saying, this, he walked back into the building, and was never interviewed or seen by the public again after quitting.' Joseph was really upset about the buyout,' said Tracy in a later interview with All Games.

'He threw his computer out the window and stormed out of the office. 3 days later, he resigned by mail. After that, Brendan left, and then I did. It was both a strange and sad experience to move my stuff out of the place that I had worked at for over 5 years. I felt as if I was abandoning the memories I had there. It feels like a spent a lifetime there, yet it also feels as if it all happened in a blink of an eye.' Tracy, Brendan, and Joseph have apparently never met since that day.

Joseph was eventually found working in a Q-Mart in Illinois, and is quoted as saying, 'I regret everything I did to kill that company. It was all my fault. Brendan, Tracy, I'm sorry.'

You own your own video game development company, my company's called gamezplay (surprised?). Try and create a million selling No 1 game. Game development takes around 5 minutes (3 months game time).From the start you will be hooked, and the cycle continues - just one more turn - please! The cash you gain for the first games makes you want more then you want to save enough for a console licence. All your money is then gone and you start again. Looking after staff can be expensive and troublesome.Spend money to create money:- The money you spend should make you money.- At the start it may not be best to go with the cheap option.- Hire the best staff you can afford.- Move to the largest office you can afford.- Spend £3.5m on a Hollywood agent.- Hire some hackers.- 999 is the limit of Research Data- No limit for money.

Gains development points that you can use to 'level up' your staff.- Undertake one between game development at the start.- Don't take on work with less than 10 weeks - under this and you may not complete it!- Best tip: release games at Christmas month 11/12. Workers - Hackers:- Need to be in third office to hire1 - Francoise Bloom - Best employee stats wise Max salary $44000K2 - Walt Sidney - Second Best employee stat wise Max salary $28500K (Walt Sidney has level 5 hardware engineer skill, he's initially a Hacker. Use the career change item on him and voila)3 - Dexter McPhee - Has a small energy bar. Max salary $22000KGood employees:- Cokie Bottleson: Max salary $57000K (highest) Stats total similar to Francoise- Stephen Jobson: Max salary $14000K Good salary to stat ratio.- Mindy Crawford: Use this person until you get a special character to replace- Sophie Kario: Use this person until you get a special character to replaceHINT: If your have the maximum number of people hired for your office size youwill not pay the contract fee for new employees.

How to get the Grand Prize:Grand Prizes are about Sequels. Genre list:Popularity Rating - Genre Name - Job title - Earn at levelA - Action RPG - Producer - 3A - Card Game - Hardware Engineer - 3A - Motion - Hardware Engineer - 5A - Online RPG - Producer - 5A - Online Sim - Hacker - 5A - RPG - Writer - 5A - Sim RPG - Producer - 1A - Simulation - Coder -4B - Action - Writer - 3B - Audio Novel - Director - 2B - Board - Producer - 1B - Educational - defaultB - Life - Designer - 3B - Puzzle - defaultB - Racing - Sound Engineer - 3B - Music - Director - 5C - Adventure - defaultC - Shooter - Writer - 3C - Table - defaultC - Trivia - default. How to get a hardware engineer (20 year +):- Level up a staff member to the maximum in every role.- Use the career change manual (from the salesman) to swap jobs to something they are not level 5 in.- Level them up and do the same again until the Hardware Engineer option is available- 4 Hardware engineers equal console higher then BD-Rom- 6 Hardware Engineers equal the best console- Can be hired through booths or hollywood agent- Booth hiring method is almost the same as Hollywood but cheaper.