Dark Reign 2 Torrent

Apr 01, 2017  Dark Reign 2 is a 3D real-time strategy game.The game can be played in three modes:online multiplayer,campaign and an instant action mode.In Dark Reign 2 are two opponents. A new feature to Dark Reign are the waypoint markings. Instead of directing your units and holding their hands while they cross the street, you can direct them through a series of markers that they follow sequentially as they arrive to their final destination.

Dark Reign 2 Full PC Game OverviewDark Reign 2 Download Free Full Game is a 3D real-time strategy Windows game released on June 30, 2000 by Activision and Pandemic Studios. Being a prequel to Dark Reign: The Future of War, Dark Reign 2's storyline focuses on what has come before the conflict in the first Dark Reign. The game features three modes: campaign, online multiplayer and an instant action mode.PlotThe two opposing factions introduced in Dark Reign 2 are the Sprawlers (which later evolve to be the Freedom Guard faction of Dark Reign) and the Jovian Detention Authority a.k.a. JDA (which evolve to be the Imperium faction). The two sides are caught up in a conflict spanning Earth's 26th (and final) century.

In the Intro, a Sprawler Leader who interacts with the player in the Sprawler campaign quotes:The struggle between the Sprawlers and JDA is, at its heart, the struggle between authority and freedom, government and proletariat. As the earth reeled into ecological collapse, the JDA established large dome cities to protect the citizenry from the harsh conditions outside. However, they left behind all those who would not succumb to their dictatorial will: the Sprawlers. The disenfranchised Sprawlers are thus left in the outside world, bathed in the harsh conditions of a dying planet and fueled by the explosive rage of rebels fighting for a free life under the thumb of a cold overlord. Thus, the Sprawlers desperately fight to break into the dome cities, while the JDA desperately sally out into the decaying 'Sprawl' to keep them out and in a state of submission.

Dark Reign 2 Free Download.The player can choose to play either the Sprawlers or the JDA campaigns, both with similarities and differences to the overall story. If the player chooses the Sprawlers, he/she is referred to as «Sirdar», a new member of the council eager to prove him/herself. If the player chooses the JDA, he/she is a member of strike force, guided by the JDA central AI, «CYGNET».

Both sides are concerned with the massive increase in seismic activity around the world which is consuming it and each other. As the story progresses, both sides gain access to new units and structures which the player will need to use in order to proceed further and develop more powerful strategies.Sprawler plotThe Sprawlers are running low on numbers and have been on the defensive for a long time. The council heavily squabbles on going offensive or staying defensive, noting they can't stay on the defensive forever. Serdar begins by aiding them in a more important offensive than the skirmishes of recent, hacking a communication centre feeding a city zone JDA propaganda so that the Sprawlers can spread their own message. They are the first to notice that seismic activity on Earth is increasing on a global scale and taking advantage by making a strike on a crippled base, bringing their first victory.During the quake, they discover that the door seal of Togra's shrine, the research lab of the great Togra himself, has opened despite only being openable by Togra. According to legends, the breaking of the seal signals the beginning of a chain of events. The Serdar must then send forces through icey mountains to rescue the Voodun high priest, Booda Shun, from JDA captivity and take him to the shrine so he can examine the site.

Unepic the great fire. Dark Reign 2 Free Download PC Game.After interpreting the site, Booda Shun brings disturbing news. The breaking of the seal indicates that Earth's time is limited and «the planet is rolling toward a catastrophic collapse», which will bring the end of everything. During the previous mission, JDA forces were snooping around the site, which indicates they may have find something or are making plans.

Serdar is ordered to hack into the nearby Cygnet relay station to see what the JDA have in mind. After infiltrating the station despite heavy resistance before and after, the station is destroyed and the council reviews the information. Dark Reign 2 for PC.The plans reveal the JDA are relocating massive numbers of citizens to the central dome.

Activity in the area is increasing at phenomenal rates. The purpose is clear. The JDA are preparing to evacuate Earth, leaving the Sprawlers behind. The council is outraged. As one member says, «First they ruin the planet and then they leave us to die with it.» He declares death to the JDA and asks whose with him.

With this, the whole council unites and puts their squabbling behind. But they find that the dome could have been assaulted easily years ago. Because of how much harder the direct way is to penetrate at the current time, they find the only possible way through is along the coast, which passes through two sub-factions, known as the Breks and the Judas.The Serdar is charged with leading the way. After securing the river and earning the Breks trust, thanks to new aerial and water technologies, they find the JDA have a secret weapons facility not far ahead from intel by their new allies. A prototype mobile bomb sits outside.

Serdar, if careful, is able to make off with three copies of the prototype, though only one is required. Then the sprawlers aid the Judas in taking out JDA forces that are thinning their numbers, gaining their trust.With their forces built, the final missions involve storming the dome and preventing the JDA from being able to evacuate. If successful, the Sprawlers will become the dominant force and the JDA will be either severely crippled or destroyed.JDA plotActivity in the city is going wild with sprawlers making regular skirmishes and setting up anti-air batteries that harass air traffic. The situation in Sector 13 is the worst.

After being shot down by one of the batteries, Strike Force's first objective is to rescue a base from destruction, push back Sprawler forces and clearing all the anti-air batteries in the area so that an air strike can be performed on the Sprawler base. Along the way, the first earthquake occurs, almost destroying the base Strike Force rescues.In the next mission, the JDA also discover Togra's shrine has been damaged in the quake. They wish to investigate. Strike Force captures a Voodun priest as a prisoner and force him to take them to the shrine. But along the way, powerful Togran pylons prevent movement up the hill without being destroyed. To deal with this, Strike Force deploys aerial infantry to destroy two Togran power generators in order to disable the pylons and proceed. At the site, they discover a strange mobile artifact, which resembles an ancient slab on a hovering platform.

Cygnet indicates the higher up ranks wish to study the artifact and orders Strike Force to evacuate the artficat to a transporter.Shortly after, radio chatter shows the evacuation plans are in effect and there is a state of panic. In one jungle area, a large JDA force is evacuating without authorization and are primarily concerned with themselves. Their plans make them abandon their post at a large powered gate, which is meant to prevent hordes of Sprawlers from entering the zone. Strike Force is sent in to deal with the cowards before they can escape, which is followed by pushing back the Sprawlers and building power generators on the gate, reactivating it. With the JDA's grip on the sector regained, Strike Force is relocated.It is at that time found that there are three Togran artifacts. Strike Force is tasked with retrieving the second artifact hidden in a temple but along the way, encounter heavy resistance with suicidal cultists of unknown origin, as well as Baron Samedi's, traditionally a Sprawler power from the Shrine.

Despite this, Strike force is able to locate and evacuate the artifact. Afterward, the challenge is on to find the third. This is achieved by a large offensive in Arctic mountains to capture Booda Shun, the Voodun High Priest, who reveals the location of the third artifact.

Hidden in a city sector, Strike Force must find it before the Sprawlers do. The problem is not only pushing back the Sprawlers, but taking punishment from the frequent earthquakes in the zone.Toward the end, the evacuation plan is in the final stages. However, the JDA does not wish for the artifacts to be taken into the hands of the Sprawlers, along with the Sprawlers leaving with them. They try to destroy all three artifacts, but can't for three reasons.

First, a large destructive force is required to destroy them. Second, they have to be destroyed at the same time. Finally, destroying the artifacts will bring about the end of the world. During the final stage, as the last JDA citizens are being evacuated, Cygnet requests that Strike Force sacrifice themselves by remaining behind and destroying the artifacts, achieving this by gathering them around a large number of atomic energy plants before detonating them. It ends with the defeat of the Sprawlers, the salvation of the JDA, the destruction of Earth and the loss of Strike Force. This brings the JDA Campaign to a rather sad and abrupt end.MultiplayerThe game contains multiplayer functionality, allowing up to 32 players at once, featuring four 'rulesets'; Gluttony, Protect HQ, Blood Bath, and Deathmatch.

Blood Bath is a mode in which the first team to kill a certain number of units wins. Protect HQ (by far the most used) is a ruleset in which a player who loses his HQ for a certain period of time (about three minutes) loses. Gluttony is a condition where the first player to collect a certain amount of resources wins. Deathmatch is a ruleset in which a player who loses all of his units is defeated.

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At this me msnt in time, the PC finds itself swimming in an ocean of 3D retl-time strategy games. I the majority of these were as rood as, say, Homeworld or Ground Control everything woulo be fine. Sadly, this isn't the case and we're drowning in cheap imitations and preelection line clones.

In Dark Reign 2 we have the perfect example.Despite the hype and the decent in-game presentation, DR2 epitomises the word 'average'. If there is any originality here at all, it's buried so deep you'll need a drilling rig to find it. Take the storyline: two sides (the capitalist JDA and the revolutionary Sprawlers) battle it out to discover alien technology that will ultimately allow them to rule the Earth. How many times have we heard that before? Unfortunately for us, the storyline is one of the best parts of the game. Other areas actually take a giant leap backwards for computer gaming.

Clowning Around

The most disastrous aspect of the game has to be the AI and interface. Apart from moving extremely slowly, each and every unit (whether it's on wheels, on foot, on water, or airborne) has great difficulty simply getting from A to B. Bemused infantry units can't even manoeuvre around lamp posts without jostling and banging into each other.Obviously, actually fighting a war with these clowns is no easy task. If a group is already engaged in a skirmish, nearby units won't even try to help their comrades. Instead they erratically mince about, waiting and watching until the entire squad is dead. Finally they'll stand motionless and allow themselves to be blown apart by long-range missiles.

Even selecting one of the five stances available makes no difference. If you've experienced the interface in Ground Control you know what near perfection is. The interface in Dark Reign 2 is not even close.

It's probably worth mentioning the resource management at this point, not because it's particularly interesting or different, but because it's indicative of the lacklustre effort that's been put into DR2s creation. In order to build your base and army you have to collect a rock known as Taelon. The unit you use to collect this substance is called, wait for it - a Collector. Must have taken a while to think that one up. Even the icons depicting the different types of construction are difficult to work out.

At least with Earth 2150 a bit of originality was added to the micromanagement by including supply lines and units that ran out of ammo. DR2 is blessed with no such detail - units can shoot (if you're lucky) until the cows come home.

Don't expect too much in the way of sound either. What little there is lacks atmosphere, and the acknowledgement voice samples for the units, especially the Sprawlers, verge on downright irritating.

Born Free?

If you're looking for a high quality, free-roaming camera - forget it. To enter 'freelook' mode you have to press and hold down the F key while you scan the landscape. The same goes for the zoom button. Unfortunately, once you've zoomed in you can't move the camera anywhere else. To regain control you have to release the zoom button and return to the main view. To call this pointless is the biggest understatement since King Harold said: 'I think I've got something in my eye.'

It's hard to say why Pandemic has incorporated such a truly cack-handed view method. After all, every other recent RTS that's of any worth has managed to offer one that's simple to use and actually beneficial for general gameplay. Maybe it's something to do with all the particle effects and bilinear filtering, although Ground Control boasted similar effects and managed fine.

While we're on the subject of effects, you've probably noticed from the screenshots that DR2 is actually a great looking game. Detail on the buildings and units could be better, but the landscapes are extremely detailed and cover such diverse landmarks as waterfalls, rivers, trees, reflective water and majestic cityscapes. There's even a day and night cycle.

Dark Reign 2 Torrent

The Reign Is Over

When a game's strongest point is its two campaigns, you know you're in serious trouble. Sure, it's nice to know you can play through 20 missions from two different perspectives, but it's hardly the pinnacle of entertainment and let's face it - it's something that only the worst RTS's seem to do..

Pandemic appears to have gone out of its way to make DR2 as crappy as possible, and for the life of us we don't know why. Dark Reign had its critics but at least it was novel for the time. This sequel offers nothing new and even feels like a 2D RTS along the lines of Dune 2000, Tiberian Sun or dear old Dark Reign itself.

There's sure to be Dark Reign fans out there who'll pretend this review doesn't exist. Fine - go and buy it, but trust us, you'll regret it for the rest of your lives.. Well, the next fortnight maybe.