Hexa Elements Blast Test
Lost civilizations underwater. Aug 05, 2008 The hex mesh runs just the way you'd expect with a clear flamefront all the way to the wall, but the tet mesh has a lot of numerical diffusion with the turbulence equations at the tet/prism boundary which is giving some non-physical results (such as preventing. To take a screenshot with your Mac, Command + Shift + 3 and then release all keys to captuer the whole screen, or press Command + Shift + 4 and press down.
LS-DYNA Analysis ModelsHere we are showing a collection of sample models created through LS-DYNA byLancemore FEA team. LS-DYNA is useful not only for the nonlinear structuralanalysis, but also for analyzing FSI (Fluid Structural Interaction) andsupporting the implicit method function. It also covers a wide range offields including particle method, vibration and acoustic analysis, and weare expecting that the range will keep on expanding in the future.The sample models have been created and collected below for the purposes ofletting you know what LS-DYNA can do and demonstrating our knowledge andabilities to create models. We are hoping that our models come in useful foryou. If you wish to create a particular model, please contact us.
We willoffer the best cost-effective solutions. Thank you for your interest in ourmodels!Updated on Dec 05, 2018.