Keeperrl Library

SFML assumes you're building bundle. Notice it's complaining about not finding FreeType, which is a dependency of SFML (it's not complaining about finding SFML). And notice where it's looking for FreeType: @executablepath/./Frameworks/freetype.framework/Versions/A/freetype.If your program ( keeper) is in., then OS X is looking for FreeType in././Frameworks/freetype.framework/Versions/A/freetype, and it's complaining that it can't find it.

That because those SFML libraries think you've created bundle, which would then have the necessary/assumed folder structure.Your options are:. Build bundle that includes everything. Put the dependencies (FreeType and sndfile) in the right spot manually (i.e. @executablepath/./Frameworks/freetype.framework/Versions/A/freetype). Build SFML yourself and change where/how it looks for its dependencies.

KeeperRL Help and advice Topic Details. Nov 7, 2018 @ 1:52pm How do I get more peasants as the evil knight? Magicka tablet spells. I feel stupid because I can't find the button to hire peasants anywhere and somehow the peasants in the nearby village already got killed even though I had no minions to kill them. Showing 1-12 of 12 comments. Unknown542696d2a12b:keeperrl kevzettler$ brew list sfml. Libsndfile frameworks from /Library/Frameworks or from the Frameworks folder in.