Space Hulk Deathwing Ps4

The battle brothers of the Dark Angel chapter are tasked with penetrating a gigantic collection of fused space vessels in Space Hulk: Deathwing, but it won't be an easy task as the area is swarming with Tyranid genestealers and even worse creatures (read our full review here).

With a campaign spanning nine missions, you’ll guide a squad from the Dark Angels Deathwing Company as they explore the mysteries of one particular space hulk, all the while assailed by wave. Greetings Librarians, Space Hulk: Deathwing is now available! Before you dive into the Space Hulk to purge hordes of Genestealers, we'd recommend taking a look through these useful gameplay tips to aid in your holy duty! GAMEPLAY TIPS SINGLEPLAYER & MULTIPLAYER The only two vital parts of your armour are the head and the torso. Avoid any critical damage in these two areas. Any non-vital part.

Luckily the space marines come well prepared, with a wide range of weapon loadouts available so you can tackle the horde in whatever way best suits your play style. Below we list out every weapon currently available in single and multiplayer.

These are just the ranged and melee weapons however, so keep in mind there are also a variety of offensive psyker powers in the single player campaign (or if you play as the Librarian in multiplayer), as well as skills to boost your squad's armor and combat effectiveness.

Multiplayer Weapons

Five classes are available in multiplayer with varying weapon loadouts for each choice. Note that not all the listed weapons are immediately available, as you must gain experience through matches to unlock anything but the basic primary and secondary weapons.

Assault Specialty


  • Lightning Claw - extremely high damage, anti-armor ability, and the fastest speed of melee weapons, but requires you to get very close to enemies
  • Mace of Absolution - high damage and only slightly slower than the Lightning Claw, but doesn't have the anti-armor ability
  • Thunder Hammer - must be unlocked, deals high damage and injuries enemies in an area effect but has slow speed


  • Storm Shield - automatically equipped with Mace of Absolution, offers extra armor but can also be used as a low damage weapon

Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

Heavy Weapon Specialty


  • Assault Cannon - the highest rate of fire weapon but only medium range and reduced accuracy, comes with 400 shot clip and frequently jams
  • Vengeance - a modified assault cannon that must be unlocked, has reduced rate of fire but includes the anti-armor quality
  • Plasma Cannon - must be unlocked, has unlimited ammo but requires a cool down time to recharge, deals damage in an area for multiple kills per shot


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  • Power Fist - high damage but low speed, can be equipped as a secondary melee weapon on your off hand while using the assault cannon

Assault Cannon



  • Storm Bolter - standard ranged gun with 60 shots, won't jam but has relatively low damage


  • Force Sword - very high speed but lower damage
  • Force Axe - must be unlocked, has slower speed but higher damage than Force Sword

Force Sword



  • Storm Bolter - same as with Librarian or in single player
  • Redemption - this modified version of the Storm Bolter must be unlocked and uses ammo that explodes into shrapnel just after firing to deal damage in an area to lightly armored targets


  • Narthecium - this 'weapon' is actually the Apothecary's means of healing squad mates


Tactical Specialty


  • Storm Bolter - same as with Librarian or in single player
  • Spear Of Caliban - despite the name, this is actually a ranged Plasma Cannon variant that must be unlocked, has high rate of fire but reduced explosion radius and damage


  • Power Fist - same as with Heavy Weapon Specialty class, but not usable with Spear Of Caliban

Spear Of Caliban

Single Player Weapons

The single player campaign begins solely with the Storm Bolter, Force Sword, and Power Fist for your main character, with a slightly different loadout for your Heavy Specialty and Apothecary squad mates.

The remaining weapons on this list are all unlocked by getting a higher Fervor score in any given level. To gain more Fervor points you need to get more kills, refrain from using the psygate to return to base, and explore the area thoroughly to pick up all Relics.


  • Storm Bolter - same as with Librarian class
  • Redemption - same as with Apothecary class
  • Hellfire - despite the name this isn't a Flamer, but rather a modified Storm Bolter that deals acid damage in a radius plus bonus fire damage to the primary target
  • Assault Cannon - same as with Heavy Weapon Specialty class
  • Vengeance - same as with Heavy Weapon Specialty class
  • Heavy Flamer - extreme damage at close range, plus sets walls and floors on fire to force enemies into choke points
  • Plasma Cannon - in single player, you need to unlock the first skill under the Command skill tree to equip this weapon on your squad mate Barachiel
  • Spear Of Caliban - same as with Tactical Specialty class

Heavy Flamer


  • Power Fist - same as with Heavy Weapon Specialty class
  • Force Sword - in single player offers a bonus to cooldown times for psyker abilities
  • Force Axe - in single player offers a bonus to cooldown times for psyker abilities
  • Lightning Claw - in single player can be equipped as a secondary weapon on the off hand if you are using the Storm Bolter as your primary
  • Thunder Hammer - same as with Assault Specialty class
  • Mace Of Absolution -same as with Assault Specialty class
  • Lost Mace Of Corswain - a pre-order only bonus weapon that has similar stats to the power fist with a different appearance and animation
Space hulk deathwing ps4 release

Lost Mace of Corswain

What weapon loadout are you picking most often in Space Hulk: Deathwing's single player campaign or multiplayer horde matches, and what's your favorite class to play?

Contrary to what some doomsayers are trying to convince us, the game is primarily a single player game WHICH NOONE has played, not even in BETA, so it's completely idiotic to draw conclusions for the whole game's quality.Having said that, the co-op version of the game is essentially the single player missions toned down for online play. For example, instead of playing a super Librarian character that can do almost anything, he is just another one out of five classes.

This is for balance reasons obviously and it works.Progression is also different as in single player you level up based on skill trees while in co-op mode you have a fixed progression tree which unlocks things mid-mission while you play. This obviously is for balance reasons but some people refuse to see it and endlessly feel entitled to a permanent progression system. So be prepared for endless arguments about that.Based on my experience with the BETA, online co-op will be blast if you try beating it with friends. Playing with randoms will result in a mediocre experience. So I fully expect completely different opinions on how good the co-op is based on how the game was played.Friends= goodRandoms= mehIn general, the game is primarily a single player game with multiplayer options attached. If you approach this as a multiplayer game like so many people mistakenly do, you will be disappointed.

Originally posted by:So its not like Killing Floor or Left4Dead? How is the replayability then is there any progress items or skills to build up?No, there is absolutely no progress.

You unlock things by playing the mission. Each time you play the mission you start from the beginning. And that's fine.Everyone starts equal and the point of the game is to win the mission using tactics not unlock '+X to Y skill'.I'm not sure if they are going to keep it that way because of endless whining on the forums though.

Cosmetic unlocks should be a fine middle ground I think but I don't know I fear they are going to wreck the game by adding skill progression which will make the game a complete mess balance-wise and it will totally lose its focus.